Controversy between Jewish entities


Jorge Knoblovits, president of the DAIA, responded to the AMIA letter with a statement Credit: DAIA

It is at the request of the AMIA to exclude Cristina

request from AMIA so that
The DAIA refuses to promote the lawsuit against Cristina Kirchner as the memorandum with Iran has reactivated internally between the two Jewish organizations.

The president of AMIA, Agustín Zbar,
explained the reasons for the request addressed to DAIA. He argued that for the Jewish Mutual "it was enough" that the memorandum was declared unconstitutional by the Argentine justice, just after a complaint of the AMIA.

"The one who must be a plaintiff is the one who was directly injured, in which case we do not consider that the Jewish community was particularly damaged, but that the whole of Argentina was damaged." Therefore, the complaint corresponds to the institutions of Argentina and not the Jewish community in a unique way, "he told the program LN + News Therapy.

For its part,
The president of the DAIA, Jorge Knoblovits, regretted that the letter that the entity received from the AMIA was made public. "The question had to be solved in the community context and in that of the mother of all institutions, namely the DAIA," he said in statements to Radio Ciudad.

In addition, Knoblovits said that he did not understand why the AMIA had sent his request to the current direction of DAIA, which he presumed a month ago, and not to the previous one, which asked to be a plaintiff and accused Cristina Kirchner. "We are going to give him the proper treatment for every note," he said about the future of the AMIA letter.

When asked about the continuation of the complaint by the DAIA, he said: "The DAIA meeting will decide, we will continue with the complaint until we receive another indication."

The badembly of the entity will meet in May.

In addition, the defense of Carlos Zannini, the former Secretary of Legal and Technical Services, Cristina Kirchner, accused of aggravated concealment of the cause of the memorandum, asked to be quoted as a witness signatory of the letter of the AMIA. This trial, in which the former president is accused, will begin in the coming months.


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