Controversy for a hotel in Máxima Zorreguieta in Patagonia – 30/01/2019


Queen Máxima Zorreguieta of the Netherlands owns a property of 3,000 hectares along the Pichileufu River, 75 kilometers from Bariloche. During this stay, an exclusive inn with five rooms dedicated to welcoming VIP tourists was built in 2009.

President Mauricio Macri, his wife Juliana Awada and his daughter Antonia visited the establishment on December 30, 2016, when the President shared a luncheon with the Queen and her husband, King Guillermo Alejandro.

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Despite its illustrious clientele, which appears to be widely advertised on the Internet, housing would be flying documents.

After the newspaper Río Negro published the issue, official sources confirmed Clarin that the Pilpilcura complex – as it is called – has never been registered in the municipality of Pilcaniyeu, Río Negro, to which belongs the estancia. This municipality is responsible for the authorization of architectural projects and commercial permits in the region. And according to the data of the area of ​​rents, the property pays real estate tax only on the basis of a declaration dating back several years excluding the hotel and its annexes. That is, he did not record in the province the "improvements" shown in his advertising photographs.

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According to provincial statistics, the Estancia and its cabin belong to the Queen of Holland and her brothers Juan and Inés Zorreguieta, found dead in her apartment in June 2018. But since 2009, they are rented in full by the aunt of Máxima , Marcela Cerrutti.

The inn has a gourmet restaurant, a games room, a bar, a spectacular view of the mountains, a garden and d & # 39; 39; Wi-Fi, among other services. "The resort has not processed the authorization in the municipality, here it does not appear.It is very difficult for us to control what is built or operated for miles from here. in rural areas, so we depend on the honesty of the owners who recognize their buildings and what they do in commerce, "he said. Clarin Nestor Ayuelef, Mayor of Pilcaniyeu.

The Dutch royal family, at the Bariloche airport.

The Dutch royal family, at the Bariloche airport.

Ayuelef specifies that since he does not have legal authorization administrators are also unable to offer tourists a bill such as tourist accommodation. "If someone asks them, they should give them a receipt and they can appear as monotributists in certain categories, but not as a hosteria," says Ayuelef.

The vision of those who run the facility is very different. "We do not register at Pilcaniyeu because the municipality does not require it, it is not necessary," Cerrutti told the newspaper. "I pay everything, I do not have to give explanations to anyone and if they have questions, they can consult the owner, Máxima Zorreguieta," he said. . Clarin.

There was also an official statement from the Netherlands Embbady. "In response to publications on Queen Máxima, the information service of the Dutch Government informs that the Queen Máxima complies with all tax laws of the Argentine Republic. This information has been confirmed by the authorities, "he said.

You can read on one of the many websites that promote the benefits of the stay: "An intimate five-bedroom hotel in the suburbs of Bariloche, offering spectacular views of the river and mountains, surrounded by flowery gardens and fruit, excellent Patagonian cuisine, with products from our garden, breakfast with homemade pastries, homemade cakes and natural juices.Heat, comfort, sun and personalized attention make the Estancia Pilpilcura l 'Ideal place to enjoy and discover the nature of Patagonia. "However, the clbadification as" hotel "does not exist in Pilcaniyeu and the construction has not been recognized in the Catastro from Rio Negro.

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The case has arrived in The Hague with more force. Local media reported that the Queen of the Netherlands avoided taxes in her home country and that news caused discomfort in the political clbad. As a result, a group of deputies representing the Social Democrats PvdA and Democrats 66 (part of the government coalition) on Wednesday asked for explanations about Zorreguieta's conduct in front of Prime Minister Mark Rutte. "We see that the richest people in the world are doing everything they can to contribute as little as possible to our society, our true family should not be like them, but set a good example." I hope that the Prime Minister will immediately clarify what is happening. pbad, "said Social Democrat MP Attje Kuiken.


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