Controversy in Belgrano for the future of subduction


The destiny of land with a magnifying glbad Source: LA NACION – Credit: Soledad Aznarez

The space will be granted; the neighbors ask garages and green

The inauguration of the Miter viaduct helped relieve traffic in Belgrano and Palermo. Now another problem worries the neighbors: the fate of the land under the imposing concrete structure. Some denounce that the uses that can be attributed to space, which will soon be conceded, will break the appearance of the place. They believe that commercial development will change the area for the worse. Instead, they claim more green space and public access.

"The concession of the lands under the viaduct defends the interests of the commercial groups under favorable conditions for the concessionaire for 30 years.The first 60 months being defined as a grace period, the gun will begin to be paid in 2024. The dealer begins to invoice well before paying to the State and, in addition, can under-cover totally or partially the space ", protests the Civil Association Neighbors of Belgrano.

According to the tender documents, the neighborhood complaint continues, the concession space could be expanded commercially alongside where the backyards of the houses are located. After more than 1,000 neighbors signed a petition opposing this process, the State Property Administration Agency (AABE) postponed the opening of the envelopes for subchannel projects on the 15th of this month.

During several meetings where neighbors were able to comment on the future of the sub-channel, the vast majority of them opted for other non-commercial destinations. "We felt cheated, we participated and everything was settled in advance," said Héctor Ponce de León, of the Bajo Belgrano Neighborhood Association.

One of the main concerns raised in these participatory tables was security in the area: that they be implemented with guard posts, cameras or bars. Parking spaces have also been claimed, affecting Belgrano, as well as toilets for bus drivers working in the area. The second among the most voted requests concerns the creation of public green spaces, with Ecobici stations, bike paths and aerobics stations. It has also been suggested to install public toilets.

Edwin Franco participated in these meetings, which allowed commenting on the three sections in which the sub-conduit was divided. "We do not want big commercial chains or dance venues, the best would be the cultural spaces and car parks," he told the nation.

According to the first report prepared by the Ministry of Urban Development and Transportation of the city, in the Chinatown area, only 12% of the votes were in favor of a gastronomic hub and in the club sector (Virrey del Pino section / Echeverría), 10%, whereas this possibility was not foreseen in the vicinity of the Hippodrome of Palermo.

In a letter from readers of the country, the neighbor María Soledad Vivanco expressed her concern: "The lower part of the viaduct is entitled to new commercial premises of all types and all types of gastronomy." This will generate a huge and irreversible negative environmental impact, adding transit would be worse than when we had the barriers before work. "

Consulted, AABE President Ramón Lanús said that during the participatory process, "many neighbors have supported the commercial development of the sub-aqueduct". "We want people to enjoy the ride," added the manager. The latter could be similar to the one that works today at the Paseo de la Infanta.

Regarding the price to be paid by the winners, he said that the grace period "is not a bonus" because during this time they have to make big investments in each country. What they do not pay at that time is deferred. cannon, but divided in 25 years, "he explained.

Once the presentation of the tenders has been closed, an evaluation commission will badyze them according to certain criteria: the urban project, the public space and the integration to the city (35% of the mbad), the realized investment (45%) and the proposed gun, based on that proposed by the bidder (weighted at 20%).



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