Controversy in Bolivia because the daughter of Evo Morales was vaccinated against the coronavirus before the hour


The coronavirus vaccination of the daughter of former President Evo Morales, Evaliz Morales Alvarado, outside the schedule established by the Bolivian executive, has sparked controversy and criticism, in addition to a government announcement of an investigation.

Verifiers Checkea Bolivia and Bolivia Verifica corroborated the veracity of a vaccination certificate from Evaliz Morales which was posted on social networks and which indicates that the young woman, 26, was vaccinated in a clinic of the Health Fund of the State Bank.

The companies scanned the QR code on the certificate to verify that Morales Alvarado’s vaccination record it appears in the National Health Information System.

The young woman received the first dose of the Russian vaccine Sputnik V on May 24, the same day as President Luis Arce, although in another health center.

By profession a lawyer, we learned last January that Morales Alvarado was hired in the state attorney general’s office, an institution under the command of the former defense lawyer of Evo Morales, Wilfredo Chávez.

When Morales’ daughter was vaccinated, the government’s vaccination plan reaches people over 50 and journalists, after having previously vaccinated front-line health workers and people with underlying diseases.

The Deputy Minister of Promotion, Epidemiological Surveillance and Traditional Medicine, María Renee Castro, did not want to say “whether it’s real or not” the file corroborated by the auditors alleging that the “confidentiality” of each person is maintained, but assured that the Supervisory Authority of the short-term social security investigates the case.

“We take absolutely all citizens the same“Castro said at a press conference.

The authority indicated that the social security funds must comply with the “calendar” and the vaccination plan established by the Government and that, “if not, logically the authority in charge of social security has full sanctioning power ”.


The leader of the ruling party in the Senate, Luis Adolfo Flores, told the media that while there were any violations in Morales Alvarado’s case, “the actors of vaccination” they are the ones who have to say what procedures or sanctions should be followed.

For Flores, the sanctions must be “for those who vaccinate”, since they are “responsible and have precise instructions” from the health authorities.

In a video on Facebook, MP Luisa Nayar, from the opposition citizen community, said “scandalous” that Morales Alvarado was vaccinated in advance “for the simple fact” of being the daughter of the ex-president, while the elderly and others have to queue for doses.

“I am the same age as Ms. Evaliz and I did not take advantage of my position to benefit from the vaccine. You have to be respectful It is necessary to privilege those which correspond according to the plan of vaccination “, declared the legislator, who also recalled that a few days ago it was learned that the mother of Morales Alvarado had a diplomatic post.

Last March, the government opened investigations for alleged irregular covid-19 vaccinations in four of the nine regions to people who have not yet been immunized.

The authorities then announced prosecutions against the staff responsible for these vaccinations as well as who received the drugs in advance.

In Bolivia, so far, 524,899 people have been vaccinated with the two required doses, while 1,544,730 have received the first.

Source: EFE



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