Controversy in Colombia over the suspension of the euthanasia of Martha Sepúlveda


Amidst much controversy, a medical center in Medellin decided yesterday suspend the euthanasia of Martha Sepúlveda, a Colombian with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), scheduled for this Sunday.

The woman would become the first Colombian to benefit from this procedure, since the Constitutional Court authorized it in July for patients with non-terminal illnesses.

The Colombian Pain Institute (Incodol), in charge of the process, said in a statement that he had canceled it “having an updated concept the state of health and the evolution of the patient “with whom” it is defined that the the termination criterion as it had been considered ”.

Sepúlveda is 51 years old, and his case was known around the world thanks to a report on the network Snail news. Since being diagnosed, she began to lose strength in her legs and have difficulty walking. their quality of life has deteriorated.

“If it’s spiritual, I’m totally calm (…) I’ll be a coward but I don’t want to suffer anymore, I’m tired. I am struggling to rest, ”the woman said.

The repercussions of the case reached the Episcopal Conference of Colombia, who “invited” her this week “reflect calmly on his decision ”.

Colombia it is the first country in Latin America to decriminalize euthanasia and one of the few in the world to have legalized the procedure, after the Constitutional Court consecrated in 1997 dignified death as a fundamental right When it comes to a terminal illness, one suffers from a lot of pain, it is requested voluntarily and carried out by a doctor.

In the country 94 procedures were performed from April 2015 to May 8, 2020, according to the Ministry of Health, which counts the cases since the procedure was authorized.

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