An American organization called "Safe Heaven Baby Boxes" has sparked controversy when installing mailboxes in different parts of the country so they can drop newborns that their parents do not want, in order to avoid deaths caused by the abandonment of babies on the streets.
The founder of the organization Monica Kelsey was abandoned by her parents when she was barely a baby and considered that it is a problem more and more serious. Since she learned that her parents had abandoned her to fate, she set out to develop a strategy allowing unwanted babies to stay in a safe place without putting their lives in danger.
To USA A mother can leave her child in "Safe Shelters", but the law obliges parents to face him face to face with a person responsible for these spaces.
But in most cases, Mothers are young women who give birth alone or without the knowledge of all. In addition to many times, it is combined with the feeling of shame and guilt to leave the babies.
The question is that after giving up, several hours go by until someone realizes that the newborn is there and that there have been cases in which the baby is death from cold or malnutrition by not fending alone.
In 1999, the system was introduced in which women can give their babies in these shelters and the procedure It was created by the Texas Department of Family and Services and, since 2004, 131 babies have been received.
For those cases in which The mother wants to remain anonymous, can use these boxes and leave the newborn in a safe place. These "mailboxes" feature an alarm system that sends an emergency alert 30 seconds after the baby is placed in the box.
In this way, Emergency services serve children between three and five minutes after the alarm is sounded. and so, as Monica Kesley says, "the life of innocent babies will be saved".
Until the moment 13 boxes were installed in three states: six in Indiana, two in Ohio and five in Arizona.
However, it also works for that the law authorizes its installation in other states such as Georgia, Arkansas and Michigan, and they are raising money to build another 100 boxes.
Given the controversy surrounding this initiative, Safe Haven Baby Boxes wanted to clarify that this "It's the last alternative for women in crisis".
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