Controversy in Germany: justice has forced the public channel to broadcast a neo-Nazi party announcement


The German Constitutional Court ordered the public broadcaster (ARD) to broadcast an election announcement by the neo-Nazi National Democratic Party (NPD), saying that its refusal to broadcast such propaganda violated a fundamental right to freedom of expression. information and implied discrimination.

ARD rejected in April an announcement by the NDP regarding its campaign for the European elections, in which advocates the creation of "safe areas" for Germans "victims" of immigration.

"Since the voluntary opening of Germany's borders in 2015 and the uncontrolled mbad migration that followed, Germans are almost daily victims," ​​the statement said.

The basics of the NPD. (Source: Facebook)
The basics of the NPD. (Source: Facebook)

A German court initially rejected an appeal from the neo-Nazi party, but the Constitutional Court ruled in the opposite direction. The NDP is known to have glorified the leaders of the Third Reich and trivialized the crimes committed during Nazism between 1933 and 1945..

Two years ago, this same organization admitted that the party was the heir to the Adolf Hitler regime, but he did not consider it illegal because of its irrelevance although they proclaim themselves "the largest neo-Nazi party since 1945".

The NDP does not have representation in the federal Parliament, but has a representative in the European Parliament. During its early years, the party experienced a surge of popularity, gaining representation in several West German state parliaments, but never executing more than one legislature.


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