Controversy in the United States over a pistol that looks like a Lego toy | Guns kill hundreds of children across the country


A US company recently introduced a new gun that looks like a corporate toy Lego, an initiative that takes place in a context where guns kill hundreds of children each year in the United States.

“Our organization contacted Lego, who then sent an official notification letter to irresponsible gunmakerShannon Watts, founder of Moms Demand Action, which seeks to implement tougher gun control laws, tweeted Tuesday.

The weapon in question is the semi-automatic “Block19” pistol, which costs between $ 549 and $ 765 and It has an aesthetic very similar to a toy armed with Lego bricks. Its manufacturer is Culper Precision, located in western Utah.

“This is one of our childhood dreams come true,” the arms company noted in a June 24 Instagram post promoting “Block19”. Guns are fun. Shooting with a gun is fun ”, it could also be read on the website dedicated to the product, now deleted.

“It is irresponsible and dangerous beyond imaginable. Even though guns don’t look like toys, kids can still use them, ”Watts tweeted Tuesday. “In 2021, more than 165 accidental shootings with children occurred ”He added, based on data from the Everytown organization, which also records that 142 people died last year after “unintentional shootings” on children or minors.

Culper Precision President Brandon Scott confirmed to The Washington Post that he had received Lego’s formal notification and decided to comply with their demands, having sold less than twenty “Block19” pistols.

This situation arose after President Joe Biden began his fight against the “epidemic” of gun violence in the United States, one of the priorities of his tenure.

In this sense, Biden in June introduced a series of measures to limit the proliferation of firearms at the federal level, an initiative which, while enjoying the support of Democrats, still faces a very divided Congress.


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