Controversy over blocking streets in La Horqueta to prevent crime


The closure of streets in La Horqueta to prevent theft has sparked controversy among residents of this district of San Isidro. The president of the neighborhood council, Óscar López Serrot, explained the particular situation which divides opinions in this area: “We had asked for greater security in the neighborhood, but they told us that they did not have more troops, so not to depend on the authorities, what we have done is to close the streets to limit the entry and exit of criminals in certain parts of the neighborhood ”.

And he stressed that in some cases, it was the inhabitants themselves who blocked the streets, while “the municipality was asked if it had something that it could provide to close the street and this is why these pipes were brought “.

As this representative of the District Council stated, in mid-2020, the Municipality of San Isidro that at the request of the inhabitants, access would be blocked in at least eight of the streets bordering the Panamericana. A controversy was therefore generated, since all the inhabitants of the area do not agree with this measure, considering that the right to free movement is hampered.

Before consulting THE NATION, Officials from the Municipality of San Isidro said: “We are evaluating the decision to be taken in this regard, discussing with the neighbors and with the neighborhood council of La Horqueta. It is not a measure promoted by the municipality ”.

Fences have been placed on Ada Elflein Street, near the North Access collector
Fences have been placed on Ada Elflein Street, near the North Access collectorPATRICIO PIDAL / AFV

Vicente, 77, is one of those who oppose the closure of the street where he lives. He is one of the pioneers of the neighborhood, where he arrived when the streets were still dirty. “La Horqueta cannot be closed! What do you gain with these pipes that get in the way? They make circulation very difficultWe already had too many with all the cars parked in the narrow streets, ”he says.

Along the same lines, Pablo, another resident of La Horqueta, said: “While security is important, besides the fact that it does not change, it affects life, freedom and trafficking. neighbors. I would have no problem if it had been done formally. There was a consultation by mail, but in reality it should go through the Deliberative Council ”.

Among those supporting the street closures is Florencia, 45, who lives on one of the roads blocked off the North Access collector:There are no longer those who circulate to observe the houses and study the movements. In the event of theft, the criminals would leave directly via the Panamericana, but it is now difficult for them to escape.“.

Neighbors regret that the pipes used in the blockades break the harmony of the neighborhood, which is distinguished by groves and cobbled streets. “They are not the most beautiful, I would love to live in a place where they are not, but I believe that today safety is more important than aesthetics”, said Florencia, adding: “He there are no mansions on this block, we are all going through rough times, so I don’t think anyone wants to put the money in to put up some railings or something nicer ”.

Obstacles in El Zorzal Street, in front of the North Access collector
Obstacles in El Zorzal Street, in front of the North Access collectorIgnacio Sanchez

The vision of a neighbor who asked to reserve her name is different and recounts that one day when she left her house in her car, she could not continue her usual journey because she hit the cement pipes that obstructed its passage. Worried about the situation, she contacted the neighborhood council, who explained that before cutting the streets, they had sent a request email to the neighbors. “We do not live in a direct democracy, it is our representatives who decide. This should be done on the basis of a prescription with a prior impact assessment, “the woman said, adding:” They should also agree with everyone because I did not choose to live in a gated community. “

The neighbor was unhappy with the response she received from Neighborhood Council and he went to the municipality of San Isidro, where they explained to him that the initiative came from the residents and that it would be a non-permanent situation, he said. Although she did not agree with any of the blockages, her complaint was about the obstacle at the intersection of Bermejo Street and Capitán de San Martín Avenue. Finally, it has been deleted in recent weeks. “I was the last straw that broke the camel’s back, many neighbors had already complained. It was absurd because it’s not a dark street or a collector, ”he said.

“It would be desirable for more modern, creative and effective policies to be implemented to combat insecurity. And above all, legal measures, ”said this neighbor.

Movement between barriers

In another district of La Horqueta, rue Ada Elflein, black barriers have been installed. Ana, who lives on this street, said: “It’s boring, but convenient.” Speaking of discomfort, he talked about the tricks he has to do each day to get home, besides the fact that the cuts are not marked on the cards. It happens that the neighbors who live in the streets closed to get to their homes have to access the neighborhood by the main roads and from there walk through the interior streets to their home, whereas before, they accessed it directly from the collector. .

The block of streets divides the inhabitants of La Horqueta
The block of streets divides the inhabitants of La HorquetaIgnacio Sanchez

Besides the appearance of La Horqueta, the route of garbage trucks and police mobiles has also changed. Likewise, firefighters and ambulances were alerted. Signs have been placed to indicate streets that no longer have exits.

A similar opinion to that of Ana a Ricardo, 50: “I know he is a rambling and ugly.” He just rented a house that is on one of those streets, and he admitted that the pipes were one of the issues that most influenced his decision to move to the neighborhood. “There are a lot of fast exits on all sides and it slows you down,” he said.

Fences in the district of La Horqueta;  El Zorzal Street and Colectora del Acceso Norte
Fences in the district of La Horqueta; El Zorzal Street and Colectora del Acceso NorteIgnacio Sanchez

In La Horqueta, a division arose between supporters of the measure and those who oppose it. On the one hand, some residents claim that freedom of movement cannot be impeded; Those across the street said they preferred to put security ahead of free movement. “The question is debatable because there are different points of view, for me both are valid. In this case, faced with our life in danger and knowing that a street cannot be closed, we made the decision to do so in order to privilege the right to life and to security, ”said Sarrot.

At the Neighborhood Council, they assured that even if “there was not always a 100% consensus”, the decision was approved by the vast majority of neighbors who lived in the closed streets and that the pots that were placed temporarily remained permanent if there were no complaints. Sarrot explained that the neighborhood is divided into 23 nodes, each made up of four to five blocks, and that the Council of Neighbors works with the coordinators of these areas to address the issues of the place.

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