Controversy over call between Biden and Duque: HRW director points out Colombia did not report US support for protesters


In the image, the executive director of Humans Rights Wach for the Americas, José Miguel Vivanco.  EFE / Sáshenka Gutiérrez / Archives
In the image, the executive director of Humans Rights Wach for the Americas, José Miguel Vivanco. EFE / Sáshenka Gutiérrez / Archives

The President of Colombia, Iván Duque, and that of the United States, Joe Biden, held their first official appeal on June 28 at noon and only a few hours later the controversy began around this conversation. As expected, the press offices of both countries issued a press release on the incident, but apparently the South American country did not refer to everything that was discussed between the heads of state.

The first to point out this fact was Human Rights Watch’s executive director for the Americas, José Manuel Vivanco, who assured that the Colombian government did not refer to what Biden had said about the national strike. The head of the NGO posted on his Twitter account a separate statement from the US presidency in which they express their support for those who march peacefully.

“Al comunicado de Casa de Nariño sobre la llamada Biden-Duque le faltó un pequeño detalle: Según la Casa Blanca, Biden“ account “”, Vivanco wrote.



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