Controversy over Maratea’s collection to go on vacation – News


Influencer Santiago Maratea is in Europe and caused a stir on social networks for asking for money from his followers, but this time to take him on a personal trip, without a solidarity goal, via Formentera, in Spain.

The event drew criticism and support for the influencer who has nearly two million followers on his account. Instagram and want to continue to know places on the European continent.

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Note that the popularity of Maratea in the networks reached the traditional media when he began to collect funds for social causes with the support of his followers.

The young man raised over $ 90,000 for Ezra, a boy diagnosed with DIPG; Mariana Laspiur, the famous hairdresser victim of an elevator accident; Julio Sosa, an advertiser who suffers from ALS and Emmita, the young girl with muscular atrophy who needed one of the most expensive drugs in the world.

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After criticism for asking his followers to each give him 100 pesos, he clarified by chatting with TN: “There are some people who don’t know this, but I make my own collection every time I finish someone else’s collection. I pass the cork, and with this string I buy things that have no social utility ”.

Maratea also stressed that he rejects the idea that a person with a social vocation does not need to have money.

“I don’t know who made it up,” he said, adding that “it’s a trap” that makes goodness look like an “inaccessible place”.

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