Controversy over the confusing Vatican manger


he eat which since last week can be visited in St. Peter’s Square, in the Vatican City, is postmodern in style, is composed of ceramic figures of different colors and large dimensions and includes the image of the astronaut.

The inauguration of the nativity scene, carried out in 1965 by the FAGrue Art Institute of Castelli, in the Italian region of Abruzzo, was in charge of the president of the governor of the Vatican City State, Cardinal Giuseppe Bertello, and the secretary of this body, Bishop Fernando Vrgez, without the presence of Pope Francis.

The work, in which traditional figures from the Catholic tradition mingle with other additional figures, such as that of the astronaut, was carried out by students and teachers of the same Art Institute “FA Grue”.

The main characters of the Bethlehem manger, that is, the images of Mary, Joseph, the angel, the Magi and the animals of the manger, the ox and the mule, are depicted in the classical style and are identifiable. The rest caused great indignation from those who came to visit him.

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This nativity scene was already exhibited in Rome in 1970, and later it was transferred for exhibition to other cities such as Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Tel Aviv.

Until January 10, the statues can be visited in Plaza San Pedro along a luminous platform of approximately 125 square meters which surrounds, on a slight slope, part of the characteristic obelisk of the place.

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