Controversy over the Vatican crib: an “astronaut” between Bethlehem, Joseph and the Magi


The manger that can be visited in Piazza San Padre in the Vatican since last Friday has generated a huge controversy: postmodern in style, it is composed of ceramic figures of different colors larger than the real size and we can see a sort of astronaut who generated various comments on social networks.

The main members of Bethlehem such as Mary, Joseph, the Angel and the Magi are represented by their classic image. However, this year the sculpture of an astronaut in the middle of the biblical scene caught the attention of all who saw the images.

While the Vatican announced with great fanfare that the nativity scene “will be next to the majestic Christmas tree that arrived from Slovenia”, and that it will remain on display until January 10, 2021, there have been all kinds of comments on the networks : out of anger some of the faithful even made fun of the figure of the astronaut.

This Sunday, for example, in our country, the word “eat” has become a trend on Twitter due to the large number of messages associated with it.


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