Convictions continue against Nicaragua, whose economy continues to fall due to conflict


(EFE) .- The Congresses of the United States and El Salvador on Wednesday condemned the government of the President of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega, responsible for the serious crisis in the country, where between 295 and 351 people died a little more by three months

Two risk rating agencies warned of the fall of the Nicaraguan economy due to the socio-political crisis that has plagued since April 18, when complaints of arrests and torture against local leaders continue. 19659002] The United States House of Representatives unanimously approved a resolution condemning the intimidation, violence, persecution and deaths by the executive of Daniel Ortega

Legislators have urged the Trump administration to identify the officials who may be subject to sanctions under Magnitsky's Global Human Rights Accountability Act

also expressed their support or the Nicaraguan people face the violence that suffers and called for the convening of free elections in the country.

Legislators have also urged the administration of US President Donald Trump to identify government officials in Nicaragua who could be subject to sanctions under Magnitsky's law on global responsibility human rights.

For its part, the Congress of El Salvador condemned the resurgence of violence in Nicaragua and called for resuming dialogue in an approved statement. Three Mexican civic organizations reported collecting about 43,000 signatures to urge the international community to "urgent action" in response to "repression and violation of human rights" in the political crisis in Nicaragua.

Groups asked the UN Security Council to intervene in Nicaragua "to guarantee the order stability" and international tribunals that study "if senior police commanders and the Ortega government have committed a crime against humanity. "

Meanwhile, dozens of people, summoned by the Argentine Socialist Workers Movement (MST), demonstrated at the doors of the Nicaraguan Embbady in Buenos Aires to repudiate the repression of the Ortega government in the country.

Dozens of people, summoned by the Movement of Argentine Socialist Workers, demonstrated the doors of the Nicaraguan Embbady in Buenos Aires to repudiate the repression of the Ortega government in the country

on the other hand , the rating agency Standard & Poor's (S & P) Global Ratings lowered the rating of long-term sovereign debt in Nicaragua's domestic and foreign currency from "B +" to "B" with negative outlook because of the "explosive" socio-political crisis.

Also the rating agency Moody's lowered the expectations of economic growth in Nicaragua for this year to a maximum of 1% and a minimum of -1%.

"The increase in political pressure from the governments of Latin America and the United States could further weaken economic activity and result in a prolonged economic contraction," warned Moody & # 39; s in a report published on its website, entitled "Government of Nicaragua: The Economic Cost of the Political Crisis is Negative." ]

The Central Bank reduced its economic growth forecast this year from 4.5% to 1% as a result of "riots in Nicaragua" since April 18th.

The Central Bank cut its forecast for economic growth from 4.5% to 1% this year following the "riots in Nicaragua"

.Before the conflict, growth was estimated between 4.5% and 5%, with an inflation rate of 5.5% to 6.5%.

Nicaragua, which is one of the countries with the highest poverty rate in Latin America, registered a growth of 4.9%. According to the Central Bank, gross domestic product (GDP) is 4.9%. % in 2017, with an inflation rate of 5.68%.

With 295 to 351 deaths and thousands of wounded, Nicaragua is going through the most bloody socio-political crisis since 1980. Daniel Ortega as President

Protests against Ortega and his wife, Vice President Rosario Murillo, began April 18 because of the failure of social security reforms and have become a demand for the resignation of the president. President, after eleven years in power, accusations of abuse and corruption against him


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