Córdoba and Santa Fe, key districts that could tip the scales in an ultra-polarized scenario


In this context, everyone and Together for Change know well that there are few districts in which they should focus their campaign efforts in particular, districts that can end up tipping the scales on both sides.

Córdoba and Santa Fe are these two key districts those who will have to pay attention to these elections. These are the second (Córdoba) and third (Santa Fe) largest districts in terms of electoral weight and they together hold 16.89% of the vote.

With all polls intending to vote very even in the presidential category, the results in Córdoba and Santa Fe will attract special attention. Córdoba was the district that catapulted Macri into Casa Rosada in the 2015 ballot.

Today, with the legacy of 4 years of macrismo, added to the incorporation of Sergio Mbada (the second most voted candidate in Córdoba in 2015), the Front of all was hopeful with the possibility of equalizing the balance and ultimately subtracting the weight of Cordoba Macrista's votes.

With a scenario in the very same precedent in Córdoba, Santa Fe could end up being the province that will end up tipping the scales this year towards one or the other side of the tight election race that began to be set this Sunday.

In Santa Fe in 2015, the dispute between Macri Daniel Scioli It was very equal, only a few points were separated from each other in this year's three election bodies. However, at that time, Peronism was far behind the preferences of Santa Fe. This year, by the hand of Omar Perotti, The PC will return to govern the province after 12 years of socialist governments and they are convinced that this growth, added to the loss of support of macrismo, is reproduced in the national case.

Given the scenario, the STEP is expected to become the prelude to an even more polarized scenario facing generals on 27 October, when the "useful vote" ends by eroding support for candidates' proposals. Roberto Lavagna and José Luis Espert.


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