Cornejo commemorated Saint Martin at the flag memorial


Governor Alfredo Cornejo participated on Saturday with Secretary of Culture Diego Gareca in the act celebrating the 169th anniversary of the death of the general. San Martín in the Andean Army Memorial Flag.

At 03:03 – time of San Martín's death – the lighting of the votive flame of the Memorial commemorated the act of Sanmartinian and the figure of the former governor of Cuyo. Representatives of the provincial government, cultural artisans, Sanmartinian groups, Mendoza and tourists participated.


With the participation of the actor Martín Tino Neglia, San Martín delivered a speech in which he invited those present to "promote the interests of the Motherland" and to "be united", among other references of the hero.

After the tribute, the Cuban composer-interpreter Lisandro Bertín interpreted some melodies for those present.

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