Cornejo surprised with Nieri as government minister


Governor Alfredo Cornejo preferred to examine the technical profiles before the politicians and appointed the Minister of Finance, Lisandro Nieri, in the government's portfolio . , who has been only a year and four months at the head of the Treasury, will now occupy the wallet that will leave next week Dalmiro Garay to join the Supreme Court of Justice.

The current budget director, Paula Allasino, will become from August 1 the Minister of Finance of the province, day when Nieri will also badume.

The castle surprised several people, including second-line officials and their own appointees. But it is clear that Cornejo wants to end his mandate without economic or financial upheaval.

Therefore, when he founded the appointment of Nieri he did not hesitate to say that the new minister a great task "in Finance.

That served, according to the president 's criteria, to "balance resources and expenditures", which allowed the province to have "peace of mind in terms of public services, salaries and modernization of the province. "."

Precisely these are the points that marked Nieri himself when he spoke of the subjects on which he will work. "

" He It's not necessary to see the ministries with so many differences. Between Finance and Government there are many points that are affected, "noted Nieri a few minutes after his presentation.

And he remembered tasks such as" the joint debate "," modernization of the state "] or" the electronic file "which was also badisted by their work in the Treasury

" We have already worked together in both ministries. I know the team well, "he added.

In this sense, and approved by Cornejo, Nieri confirmed that virtually" there will be no change "in the under-secretaries who have worked with Garay.

Less Political

One of the most striking aspects of Nieri's appointment is given by his low political profile. official does not arrive from partisan militancy and his growth in the cabinet cornejista has always been given the technical thing (he was Undersecretary of Financing before replacing, in March of 2017, Martin Kerchner ] in Finance)

His arrival in the portfolio plus of government policy will undoubtedly have a footprint more related to the economic and, logically, to the technical . "For specific issues such as justice are the specialists", said Nieri.

He also did not consider this new media role politically. "It would not be an postulate "; I work here, "he said, without showing any future ambitions

" Continuity "in the Treasury

In the case of Allasino, Cornejo says he wants to ensure " the perfect continuity " of the work initiated by Kerchner and continued by Nieri.
"Paula knows how to treat our public accounts like no one else," said the governor about the new minister

. The president met her at Godoy Cruz while she was mayor, although she was working since the previous administration (in the care of Cesar Biffi).
The new member of the Cabinet emphasized his work with Nieri, Kerchner and Liliana Lázaro, today vocal in the Court of Accounts, appointed by Cornejo.


"I work for many hours, I know public finances from head to toe and I'm in love with public accounting," said the official to appear in the company.

Allasino wanted to point out that although the current scenario is difficult, especially in times of adjustment, "the most complicated was the moment to badume" in December 2015.

"It cost us but we all worked as a team with the rest of the ministry and we could have a 2018 budget with operational surplus," he said, showing congruency with the government's speech

In any case, he acknowledged "a real challenge" but he states: "Although we will be a little more adjusted, the impact of adjustment in the province will not be so big. "

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