Coronavirus: a curve that continues to decline | The C…


The pandemic continued its marked slowdown around the world this week, with new coronavirus infections twice as numerous as in early January. In contrast, in Argentina, according to data from the daily health portfolio report, 143 new deaths of coronavirus patients have been confirmed, bringing the number of deaths in the country to 51,000. In addition, 7,886 new ones cases have been confirmed. recorded in the last 24 hours.

Worldwide, with 362,000 infections recorded daily this week, the indicator continues to decline that began a little over a month ago. New infections continue to decline (-12% this week) against a record 743,000 new cases per day between January 5 and 11. Since the peak in early January, new contaminations in the world have been halved (-51%).

The number of cases diagnosed does not reflect more than a fraction of the actual number of infections, and comparisons between countries should be viewed with caution, as screening policies differ from country to country.

This week, only the Middle East has experienced an acceleration in contagion (+ 11%). All other regions experienced slowdowns: -28% in the United States / Canada, -9% in Africa, Asia and Europe and -7% in Latin America / Caribbean. The virus hardly circulates in Oceania (13 cases per day).

The greatest decrease was observed in Portugal (-51%, 2,100 new cases per day). They are followed by Bolivia (-41%, 800 new daily cases), Spain (-37%, 11,500), the United States (-28%, 72,800) and Colombia (-26%, 4 700).

In the United States, daily new cases have been divided by three from the peak seen in the week of January 5 to 11. The decline observed in South Africa is more impressive, since contaminations (1,980 daily cases this week) were divided by 10 over the period.

Iraq, the country with the most contagious British variant, is for the second consecutive week the country where the epidemic is accelerating the most (+ 62%, 2,900 new cases per day). They are followed by Jordan (+ 44%, 2,100), Hungary (+ 23%, 1,700), Poland (+ 18%, 6,300) and Austria (+ 15%, 1,500).

Despite a sharp drop (-28%), the United States remains the country with the highest number of new infections this week, with 72,800 new daily cases, ahead of Brazil (45,200, stable) and France (18,600, – two %).

The United States recorded the highest number of deaths last week (an average of 2,566 per day), followed by Brazil (1,037), Mexico (982), the United Kingdom (551) and Russia (463).

In Argentina, the number of new cases reported this Friday is about 10% more than what was reported the previous Friday, when infections totaled 7,151, as deaths were one digit higher. similar: 155.

People infected with covid-19 who have recovered are 1,855,645, while 148,036 have continued with the ongoing disease, it was stated in the health portfolio’s daily report on the progress of the pandemic in Argentina. A total of 3,608 coronavirus patients were admitted to intensive care beds, while the total occupancy of service beds was 54.2% and 59.3 in the Buenos Aires metropolitan area (AMBA).

During the last day, 59,570 tests have been carried out and 7,061,619 diagnostic tests for this disease have been carried out since the start of the epidemic.


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