Coronavirus: again in hard quarantine in Italy – economic, financial and commercial news


From tomorrow, in Italy, the so-called “red zones” by number of coronavirus cases, they will enter again quarantine. At a rate of 26,000 infected per day, as it was yesterday Saturday, with more than 300 deaths from Covid-19, the government decided to extreme the protocols to protect the population.

From March 15 to April 6, the regions “where the weekly number of infections exceeding 250 per 100,000 inhabitants will be considered red “, decided the Council of Ministers last Friday, after the increase of the infected was added by the prevalence of new variants of the coronavirus, in particular British.

The most populated areas in the north of the peninsula, including Lombarda, with Miln, as como Lacio, with Rome, have been classified as “red zones”, of total containment, from tomorrow.

According to the color classification, The red zone is the most contagious and involves the closure of schools, colleges and universities, as well as bars, cafes and restaurantsexcept to go. The other regions have been declared an orange zone, of intermediate contagion, according to the Ministry of Health.

With these new measures, the main objective of the Italian government is to improve the epidemiological situation before the boreal summer.

More stringent measures and the gradual increase in the number of people vaccinated They lead us to think that we will already have better figures in the second half of spring, “said Health Minister Roberto Speranza. Represents 54% of cases, although we expect a higher figure” in the future, he assured today to The Republic.

Although “each dose of vaccine injected is a step in the direction of a way out of the crisis,” Speranza said, “cases in Italy have rebounded again. With 102,000 dead since the start of the pandemic, the first doses of Coronavirus vaccines began to be applied at the end of last December.

The island of Sardinia is the only white zone, that is to say without contagion, after having subjected the whole population to anticovid tests.


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