Coronavirus: allergists recommend applying only the …


The Association of allergy and clinical immunology (AAAeIC) recommended that only coronavirus vaccines be applied that “meet all relevant national and international requirements”.

The warning from the entity that brings together Argentinian allergists follows a document released by the UK Medicines Regulatory Agency which called for do not administer the Covid-19 vaccine “in patients with a history of severe allergic reactions to drugs or foods”.

Through material sent to the media, they explained that “the severe allergic reaction (anaphylaxis) is very broad since it involves or reveals various hypersensitivity mechanisms that can be linked to a wide variety of stimuli capable of triggering them as insect poisons, food, drugs and aeroallergens ”.

Hypersensitivity to drugs is considered as an unpredictable reaction among side effects“Recalled the organization.

Therefore, among other recommendations, he considers it prudent “carry out a good clinical history and allergological studies patients with a history of allergic reactions strict to diagnose the cause, which may not have anything to do with the vaccine in question ”.

In turn, he explained that “only a small minority of severe allergic patients will require prior assessment by the specialist to apply the vaccine. It should not be generalized that all patients who have had a severe allergic reaction avoid getting the vaccine. “

Pfizer / BioNTech vaccine reactions

Two healthcare professionals who have been immunized in England with the Pfizer / BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine had an allergic reaction and UK regulators have advised people with a clinical history of severe allergies not to receive these doses.

Shortly after being vaccinated, both people had an ‘anaphylactic reaction’ but recovered once they have received the appropriate treatment. These types of reactions are sudden and widespread and usually begin with a pins and needles feeling.

The two people would had a medical history of severe allergies and everyday They wore adrenaline auto-injectors to counter the effects of an allergic reaction.

Immediately, the Medicines and Health Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) released the a warning to anyone who has ever had severe allergic reactions to drugs, certain foods or another vaccine.

What they asked was that the vaccination centers adequate facilities to care for those affected in the event of any type of reaction.

Russian vaccine

Meanwhile, the director of the Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology Nikolai Gamaleya, Alexandr Guintsburg, said that people with allergies, except for aggravated cases, can be vaccinated with the Russian vaccine Sputnik V.

The specialist explained that people with chronic allergies should do test of protein C reagent and immunoglobulin E in the blood.

“If your levels are normal, you definitely need to get the vaccine and people with allergies can,” he said.


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