Coronavirus: Anmat authorized the AstraZe vaccine …


The National Administration of Drugs, Foods and Medical Technologies (ANMAT), in the form of emergency recording, AstraZeneca’s SARS-CoV-2 vaccine.

“This National Administration informs that, by provision 9271/20, it authorized the inclusion in the Register of Medicinal Specialties (REM) of the product covid-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca and of the generic name VACCINE AGAINST COVID19 ChAdOx1-S recombinant, of the company AstraZeneca SA, “ANMAT said in a statement.

Regarding its impact, he stressed that “the product presents an acceptable benefit-risk ratio, allowing to support the granting of the registration and the conditional authorization of the product for the requested indication”.

And he added that “it was granted for a period of one year from the date of this provision, subject to sale by prescription.”

Finally, the ANMAT indicated that “the risk management plan (RMP) established for the close monitoring of the safety and efficacy of the drug must be respected and that the corresponding progress reports, modifications and updates must be submitted to the National Institute. drugs (INAME) “.

The news is known after this Wednesday, in the midst of a crisis over the so-called British strain, the British regulatory body approved the AstraZeneca vaccine, which will allow the vaccination process to begin next Monday and add to the inoculation . the other vaccine, Pfizer is in progress.

In the case of Argentina, this is the third vaccine authorized by the country’s health agency. The Russian vaccine Sputnik V, the application of which began this week, and the American Pfizer had already been approved.

In August of this year, the president Alberto Fernandez reported that together with laboratory AstraZeneca and INSUD group biotechnology company mAbxience, Argentina and Mexico would produce and distribute the Covid-19 vaccine developed by the University of Oxford throughout Latin America.

Among its advantages, the AstraZeneca vaccine is presented as more accessible in economic terms (it costs around 3 euros per dose); while it is easier to store because it can be stored at a refrigerator temperature, between two and eight degrees Celsius, unlike Moderna and Pfizer / BioNTech vaccines.

In early December, the prestigious scientific journal The Lancet published a comprehensive study supporting the effectiveness of vaccine against coronavirus developped by AstraZeneca and the British University of Oxford.


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