Coronavirus: Argentina joins WHO trial to test three covid drugs


The World Health Organization (WHO) announced a new trial globally – in which the Argentina with 51 other countries – focused on three drugs, to analyze whether they can contribute to decrease mortality in patients hospitalized for Covid19.

Solidarity PLUS study three products: artesunato, imatinib e infliximab, which are already applied in other diseases. This is the largest collaboration between members of the WHO: 2,000 researchers from 600 hospitals in 52 countries are involved and the agency plans to recruit around 14,200 volunteers.

the artesunato (given by IPCA) is used for the malaria serious, and the WHO advisory group wants to assess its anti-inflammatory properties. the imatinib (Novartis) is used in certain types of to think What leukemia, and could reverse pulmonary capillary damage. the infliximab (Johnson & Johnson) is used to treat diseases of the immune system such as Crohn’s disease or rheumatoid arthritis. The WHO he also wants to study its anti-inflammatory effect.

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“Finding more effective and accessible therapies for patients Covid-19 is still a critical need ”, underlined the general manager of the WHO, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus.

Unlike the rapid development of coronavirus vaccines, the race for development disease treatments was slower. So far the WHO recognizes only two treatments as effective for severe cases of coronavirus: corticosteroids systemic, like dexamethasone; And two Interleukin-6 inhibitors (tocilizumab Yes sarilumab).

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While dexamethasone is readily available, IL-6 inhibitors are expensive and most expensive treatments. WHO He warned that it would not be available for most patients in developing countries.

For its part the Food and drug administration (FDA, for its acronym in English), approved the use of the antiviral Remdesivir, and various products based on monoclonal antibodies What Regeneration-VOC (casirivimab and imdevimab), sotovimab and tocilizumab.

In June, the European Commission He also identified five candidates for the treatment of coronavirus-related illnesses. Four are monoclonal antibodies which are under review by the European Medicines Agency (EMA) and the other is a immunosuppressant.

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Solidarity PLUS is the second phase of the trials Solidarity, launched in April 2020. This first trial covered 36 countries and analyzed four treatments: hydroxychloroquine (promoted among others by Donald trump and the President of Brazil, Jair Bolsonaro), Remdesivir, interfere and the antirretrovirals lopinavir / ritonavir.

The WHO concluded at the end of last year that none of these four treatments significantly reduced the length of hospital stays, mortality due to Covid-19 or the number of people requiring respiratory assistance.


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