Coronavirus: Argentina overtook Chile and was 7th in the world in deaths per million inhabitants


Just over eight months after the first death from Covid-19 was recorded in the country, Argentina overtook Chile on Thursday in number of coronavirus deaths per million inhabitants. Thus, it was among the three countries with the highest rates in Latin America.

With the 251 dead reported in the daily part published by the Ministry of Health of the Nation, Argentina adds a total of 34,782 coronavirus deaths since the start of the pandemic.

Based on the data you collect Worldometer, our country is thus in the position number seven among those who have recorded the most deaths worldwide from Covid-19, relative to their total population.

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Coronavirus in the world:
countries with the most deaths per million inhabitants

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Source: and Min. of Health
Infographics: Bugle

It should be noted that among the top five localities are San Marino and Andorra, two countries which have very high mortality rates since they have populations of less than 80,000 inhabitants.

In recent weeks, Argentina has recorded an increase in this parameter. After passing Sweden (October 18) and Italy (October 22), on Monday November 2, Argentina traveled to the UK, two days later it left Mexico and the Ecuador behind, and last Friday it hit a number. more covid-19 deaths per million population than in the United States, one of the countries most polled for its pandemic strategy.

This week, Tuesday, when it comes to recorded mortality in relation to its population, the country went to be in a worse state than Bolivia. And this Thursday, it was a cut above Chile.

Argentina now has 767.02 deaths per million inhabitants and it is the 7th country with the most deaths per million inhabitants, just behind Brazil, which has 771 deaths per million inhabitants. Chile – which reported 66 deaths on Thursday – has 766.53 deaths from Covid-19 per million inhabitants (in the Worldometer list, it seems rounded to 767).

Another important point is that Argentina has done fewer tests than Chile, always according to data from Worldometer: 3.37 million analyzes in our country (74487 per million inhabitants) against 4.7 million (245,258 per million inhabitants).

Argentina is now the third country in the region with the highest death rate relative to its population, behind Peru (1,057 deaths per million inhabitants) and Brazil (771).



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