Coronavirus: Bill Gates forecast for 2021


Especially Bill Gates He has the odd distinction of having been the person who pretty much predicted everything that happened, which is why his remarks about what’s to come in 2021 have caught the attention of experts.

doors, in his press release, criticizes the current President of the United States, Donald Trump, his refusal to “grant the elections as a factor that delays vaccines against Coronavirus (COVID-19“.

But far from describing a pessimistic scenario, the co-founder of Microsoft highlights three aspects on which he focuses his hope of overcoming the pandemic.

-Many vaccines all effective

-Cooperation of the entire pharmaceutical industry and the logistics chain that distributes the doses.

-The development of less invasive and easier to perform tests.

Bill Gates

Coronavirus: Bill Gates forecast for 2021

Coronavirus: Bill Gates forecast for 2021

Bill Gates He explains in his post what the procedure looks like with the Pfizer vaccine and all the others whose attack pattern has an effectiveness rate of over 95%.

In addition, the businessman points out that pharmaceutical companies, laboratories and research institutes have cooperated hand in hand to develop production chains much larger and more efficient than one would have imagined.

This factor is essential to increase the volume of production, because otherwise it would take decades to cover all the necessary population.

Finally, doors includes among the positive aspects for 2021 that new detection tests Coronavirus (COVID-19, which are cheaper, less intrusive, and anyone can apply at home, which will help detect and cut the chains of infections.


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