Coronavirus: Bill Gates gave a grim forecast for the coming months


Microsoft founder Bill Gates has predicted that in the world dominated by the coronavirus pandemic, the news that will arrive in the coming months will not be good.

“With winter (in the US and Europe), when it gets colder, the virus will multiply more when we spend more time indoors, so that’s not good. And then there’s fatigue, it will be more difficult to do some things that people have to do, like staying away from their friends “Gates said this Thursday, November 19 during an interview on “The Daily Show”.

“Over the next six to eight months the news will generally be badPredicted the magnate. And added that after this period, the volume of vaccine production will increase and “there will be light at the end of the tunnel.”

Bill Gates during the interview with the American program The Daily Show.

Bill Gates during the interview with the American program The Daily Show.

A few days ago, Gates also analyzed what life would be like after the pandemic. “My prediction is that more than 50% of business trips and more than 30% of days at the office will disappear,” the mogul said at a conference hosted by The New York Times newspaper.

“We will continue to go to the office in a way, we will continue some business trips, but drastically less,” added Gates, who through his foundation and that of his wife Melinda, promotes the development and distribution of the vaccine in developing economies.

Bill Gates during the Thursday 19 interview with the American program The Daily Show.

Bill Gates during the Thursday 19 interview with the American program The Daily Show.

“I would not have thought that wearing a mask would become so controversial” and the Donald Trump administration would not support such a “savage and extreme” opinion in the face of the pandemic either.

The mogul also said anti-mask sentiment is stronger in the United States than in other countries and admitted that it is not clear whether this is due to the stance taken by the Trump administration or the individualistic sentiment of Americans.

The pandemic is out of control in most of the United States and has already left more than 11 million people infected and nearly a quarter of a million dead, with many hospitals on the brink of collapse.

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