Coronavirus cases around the world have increased by …


For the first time in seven weeks, The World Health Organization (WHO) warned on Tuesday, coronavirus cases around the world have registered an increase. For the organization’s managing director, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, it’s a variation “disappointing but not surprising.”

With the exception of Africa and the Western Pacific, all regions experienced an increase in covid-19 infections last week, breaking the trend of the previous six weeks where a decrease in positive results had been achieved worldwide .

Faced with this increase, insisted the WHO official, it is important that basic measures such as tests or traces of contact be intensified.

According to the WHO chief, the change could be due to “the relaxation of public health measures, the continued circulation of variants and people, let your guard down”. Vaccines, he warned in this regard, “will help save lives, but if countries depend solely on vaccines, they are making a mistake.”

Finally, he highlighted the start of vaccination for health workers on Monday in Ghana and Côte d’Ivoire, who received the first doses via the Covax mechanism.

Since the start of the pandemic, 114,441,348 infections have been recorded and 2,538,681 coronavirus deaths have already occurred. The list of the most affected countries is ranked by the United States, India and Brazil.


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