Coronavirus: Chile announced its home vaccination plan for people over 65


Lloncao, Chile (Reuters)
Lloncao, Chile (Reuters)

The various health officers (regional ministerial secretariats), by coordinating and coordinating with primary care, will vaccinate at home people over 65 who, due to different situations, could not be present. “, He announced to the under-secretary of public health, Paula Daza.

The official also made a special appeal to the elderly who have not yet been vaccinated so that, if they can, they can approach the inoculation points during the next week.

“We have set ourselves the target that at least 80% of people over 65 be vaccinated”, he claimed. So far, 67% of the target population has been vaccinated.

“The vaccines are safe, they will allow us to continue to progress, to reduce the risk of falling seriously ill and we want the entire population of this age group to be vaccinated,” said the official.

17 days after the start of the mass vaccination plan, the Ministry of Health Chile revealed it had already vaccinated nearly 3 million people, in the region’s most successful operation to date.

According to information from the Department of Statistics and Health Information (DEIS), an entity that belongs to the Ministry of Health (MINSAL) until 5:00 p.m. this Friday, 2,818,147 people had already been vaccinated against the disease, after this Friday, 135,072 vaccinated will be added. The figure equates to 17% of its population.

Chile has already vaccinated 17% of its population
Chile has already vaccinated 17% of its population

In its report, the MINSAL delivered a very precise report and we see that out of more than 2.8 million doses administered, a little more than 1.7 million correspond to people aged over 65 years or over, while 58.1% of those vaccinated are women and 41.9% are men.

Within the target group, in addition to the age group, the process included personnel with essential functions, pharmacy personnel, law enforcement and security and armed forces personnel, and workers who perform essential functions of the state.

Also added to this group are preschool and school education workers over the age of 60.

In the meantime, according to the changes in the vaccination schedule announced this week by MINSAL, it will be next week for preschool and school educators between 59 and 40 years old; while people between 64 and 60 will be vaccinated from March.

The goal is to vaccinate 80% of people over 65, the government therefore wants to facilitate access to the vaccine for the elderly with inoculations at home
The goal is to vaccinate 80% of people over 65, the government therefore wants to facilitate access to the vaccine for the elderly with inoculations at home

Likewise, by March 1, the delivery of the second doses of Sinovac and the next doses of Pfizer was due to begin. The vaccination process developed by MINSAL has been developed gradually, depending on the doses arriving in Chile.

Since the start of the formal vaccination process in Chile on December 24, the country has shown that its capacity for anticipation to achieve the necessary supply of vaccines and the management capacity to effectively develop vaccination throughout its territory has given back to citizens the feeling that your government, despite countless mistakes, is still getting it right on the relevant issues, in this case, in the COVID-19 vaccination process.

These are numbers so positive that even political technicians blame them for the rise in popularity of President Sebastián Piñera in the latest polls, which brought him to 23% approval from his leadership.


Chile has already vaccinated nearly 3 million people against the coronavirus

How Chile achieved the most massive and effective vaccination in Latin America

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