Coronavirus: Chile anticipates and has taken an important decision


Enrique Paris, Chile’s health minister, said that “the most likely thing” is that the coronavirus vaccination should be maintained for years to come, so he announced that the government began negotiations to purchase doses in 2022.

“This virus is going to stay and it is inevitable. Vaccines may vary, they can be improved, we will have to keep vaccinating, but don’t think the virus will go away, ”the official said in a recent interview with La Tercera newspaper.

In the last 24 hours, Chile has recorded 5,252 new coronavirus infections, in the lowest figures for four months.

Enrique Paris.

Despite the decline in the epidemiological curve, Paris reinforced the message that the virus will continue to circulate in the country and that self-care measures should be maintained.

“The population must have a clear awareness of thisI cannot give up the mask, You cannot forgo handwashing or physical distancing because the virus is still circulating and will continue to circulate. In addition, the most likely is that we will have to continue to vaccinate year after year, ”he said.

This week begins the vaccination of girls and boys between 12 and 17 years old with comorbidity and that 19-year-olds will be able to access the vaccine from Tuesday, while those 18-year-olds can be vaccinated from Thursday.

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