Coronavirus: Chile records more infections and fewer …


At Chile detected that there are more infections in their population under 19 than among those over 65. According to a report, since the start of the pandemic infections among those under 19 exceeded 217,312, while those over 65 reached 162,054.

The data is derived from the 128 epidemiological report of the local Ministry of Health and represents 14.7%, in the case of those under 18, and 11 in that of the elderly, of the 1,476,473 confirmed cases recorded to date, according to the last report. from the Ministry of Health – released Sunday. It is believed that this phenomenon is recorded due to the less care in front of the possibility of contagion manifested by young people.

In the case of young people, the greatest number of cases is concentrated in the age group between 15 and 19 years, with 92,328, followed by between 10 and 14 (58,341), between five and nine (43,519) and up to four (39,124).

Despite the fact that Chile is the country in South America that has made the most progress in immunizing its population, vaccinating more than 60% of its inhabitants and more than 75% of them have received both doses, high rates of contagion continue to be recorded, so that the Metropolitan Region of Santiago, with a 96% occupancy of its intensive care units, yesterday entered a new strict quarantine.

Since the start of the pandemic Chile it has 1,476,473 cases and 30,707 deaths.


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