Coronavirus: Chile reopens its borders to vaccinated foreigners | The conditions necessary to enter the country


The government of Chile announced the reopening of borders at the entry of vaccinated foreigners in this country, after several weeks of decline in Covid-19 infections. The measure will take effect on from October 1 and will require international health documentation that several countries have implemented to stop the advance of the coronavirus pandemic.

The change will also allow Chileans and resident foreigners to leave the country, provided they have a Mobility Pass, with the exception of children and adolescents who may do without this document.

“People entering the country must comply with measures (health control), perform the self report, as well as to respect the measures of self-careSaid Public Health Under-Secretary Paula Daza.

What are the conditions for traveling to Chile

Since October 1, foreigners traveling to Chile must have a negative PCR test carried out 72 hours before boarding, a health insurance particular and a vaccination certificate from your home country.

Travelers will be able to use the Iquique and Antofagasta international airports to the north and that of the capital, Santiago.

The health authorities clarified that, however, from the same date there will be no transit hotels. Therefore, people arriving in the country should keep isolation for five days, in case of possession of a Mobility Pass, and seven in case of non-accreditation, always at the declared address.

Why are there more openings of activities

This measure was taken due to the marked decrease in cases produced due to the increase in temperatures before the summer season and the coronavirus vaccination plan, which gained momentum after the second wave which produced around 8,000 cases per day.

Immunization reached 87.2 percent of the target population, made up of about 15 million people. And for a month, the pandemic stabilized and authorities gradually relaxed restrictions on mobility and capacity.

At the date, 1.64 million Chileans have contracted Covid-19 since the start of the health emergency, declared in March 2020, and just over 37,000 deaths.

In this context, the government of Sebastián Piñera launched the possibility of lifting the state of emergency due to disaster next month and drop the curfew currently in effect nationwide between midnight and 5 a.m.


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