Coronavirus Chile: the country recorded for the first time in the pandemic a positivity of less than 3%


Given the favorable epidemiological situation, since last Thursday the country has been facing the pandemic with less strict measures and greater benefits for the vaccinated, the streets of Santiago are regaining their vitality and the gymnasiums, theaters, cinemas and centers for people seniors were able to reopen in most of the country.  EFE / Alberto Valdés / Archives
Given the favorable epidemiological situation, since last Thursday the country has been facing the pandemic with less strict measures and greater benefits for the vaccinated people, the streets of Santiago are regaining their vitality and the gymnasiums, theaters, cinemas and centers for older people have been able to reopen in most of the country. EFE / Alberto Valdés / Archives

Chile recorded this Sunday for the first time in the pandemic a national positivity rate of less than 3% (2.5%), while preparing to move forward on Monday in the deconfinement plan and the opening up of economic activities.

“This is the lowest in the pandemic and with a very large number of examinations. In addition, today the bed occupancy rate in intensive care units has fallen to 88%, ”said Chilean Minister of Health, Enrique Paris.

National positivity has been below 5% for two weeks, the threshold established by the World Health Organization (WHO) to consider the pandemic under control.

Fifteen regions of the country have declined their cases in the past week and admissions to intensive care units have fallen by 15%, Paris noted.

Health officials also reported that in the past 24 hours, 1,419 new cases of covid-19 and 111 deaths were detected., which leaves the total toll at 1.59 million people infected and 34,514 deaths.

The number of inpatients in intensive care also fell to 2,025 and active cases to 12,671, that is, the people who can currently spread the virus.

After three months of a serious second wave that put the hospital system in the ropes, the health crisis is subsiding in the country, where there has been a drastic drop in the number of new infections in the past four weeks.  EFE / Alberto Valdes / Archives
After three months of a serious second wave that put the hospital system in the ropes, the health crisis is subsiding in the country, where there has been a drastic drop in the number of new infections in the past four weeks. EFE / Alberto Valdes / Archives

“That doesn’t mean we have to give up, it’s good news for Chile for those who made an effort and for our officials. However, we must continue to use a mask, hand washing, physical distancing and ventilation, ”said Paris.

Given the favorable epidemiological situation, Since last Thursday, the country has faced the pandemic with less stringent measures and greater benefits for those vaccinated, who can access gymnasiums, theaters, cinemas and centers for the elderly..

In the agglomeration of Santiago, where 8 of the country’s 19 million inhabitants live and for months the epicenter of the pandemic, the quarantine in force for months at the weekend will be lifted from next week.

Chile has deployed one of the most successful covid-19 vaccination processes in the world, which today reaches over 84% of the target population with a single dose and almost 75% with two injections., mainly with Coronavac, and to a lesser extent with Pfizer, AstraZeneca and Cansino.

From Medical College, the numbers have been evaluated, but caution is called for.

Chile has deployed one of the most successful covid-19 vaccination processes in the world, which today reaches over 84% of the target population with a single dose and almost 75% with two injections.  EFE / Alberto Valdés / Archives
Chile has deployed one of the most successful covid-19 vaccination processes in the world, which today reaches over 84% of the target population with a single dose and almost 75% with two injections. EFE / Alberto Valdés / Archives

We celebrate that the numbers have improved in recent weeks, but this increase in freedoms must translate into increased responsibilities, which is why we call on the community to maintain self-care measures.Union president Patricio Meza said via Twitter.

“We have to be alert to a possible regrowth with the Delta variant, we have to maintain the communication on the risks”, he added. The Delta variant was recently introduced in the country and dozens of cases have already been identified and isolated by health authorities.

The country is studying the application of a third dose to avoid epidemics, especially after the arrival of the delta variant, the most contagious according to the World Health Organization (WHO), of which nearly 20 cases were already confirmed in Chile last week.

The country maintains a 10 p.m. to 5 a.m. curfew across most of the country and borders are closed except in emergencies until July 25.

(With information from EFE)


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