Coronavirus death register and lack of contribution …


Paraguay records new record of Covid-19 infections, with 1,341 positives and 21 deaths in 24 hours. The situation is increasingly delicate and criticism from the government is intensifying for the lack of supplies in health centers and the slowness in obtaining vaccines for the population.

With these figures, the total contagions from the first positive on March 7, 2020 this is equivalent to 162,871, while that of deaths at 3,239, reports the Ministry of Health in its daily report on social networks.

Paraguayan health centers are also at their peak, with 1,103 hospitalized, of which 270 remain in intensive care units, while the number of cured patients stands at 136,366.

The The shortage of public hospitals in the country led to a spontaneous protest by nurses and doctors in Asunción on Wednesday. During the demonstration, they denounced the lack of drugs and medical supplies for people hospitalized for the coronavirus and the delay in the vaccination of the population.

Workers of the National Institute of Respiratory and Environmental Diseases (Ineram) marched in front of the headquarters of the center of this body, the main one in the fight against covid-19, after the announcement of the resignation of its director, Felipe González .

The lack of medications, mainly those used to keep intubated patients sedatedYes, it has been denounced for several weeks by doctors. The government attributes this shortage to the strong global demand for these drugs.

Added to this is the agitation of citizens slow delivery of vaccines, limited to a shipment of 4,000 doses of Sputnik V reserved for healthcare workers on the “front line” in the fight against covid-19.

Paraguay is still waiting for a million doses, from Russia, and the 4.3 million agreed through the Covax mechanism from the World Health Organization (WHO), whose first shipment is scheduled for the middle of this month.

In this context, the president of the Liberal Party, the biggest opposition party, Efraín Alegre, affirmed this Wednesday through a video that “we cannot remain silent in the face of so much indignation, in the face of so much suffering. in families. “

And he claimed that “a collapsed health system has been achieved, without supplies, without drugs, without vaccines”, not because of the people “as the government wants to propose” but because of “corruption, the ineffectiveness and futility of a rogue government “.

In March 2020, the government of Mario Abdo Benítez of the Colorado Conservative Party secured approval for a $ 1.6 billion loan to fight the coronavirus, but tenders and purchases were clouded by allegations of corruption.


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