Coronavirus: European countries block flights from UK and Italy detect contagion of new strain


In the midst of the second wave of coronavirus in Europe, the appearance of a new strain in the United Kingdom it could be more contagious. While several countries in European Union they blocked British flights, Italy today detected a case of this variant despite the closure of aircraft access from the island.

A patient infected with the new strain has been identified in Italy at the Celio military hospital in Rome, according to a press release published the night of Sunday, December 20 by the Italian Ministry of Health. This center revealed “the SARS-CoV-2 virus genome of an individual who tested positive for the variant [del nuevo coronavirus] found in recent weeks in the UK, ”the statement said.

They warn England’s new strain of covid is ‘out of control’

The patient had recently returned from the country by plane and he and his relatives are in quarantine, according to the agency AFP.

The discovery came hours after Italy announced the suspension of flights from the UK, simultaneously to several countries in Europe. “The UK has issued an alert on a new form of covid-19 which is believed to be the result of a mutation of the virus. As a government we have a duty to protect Italians and for this reason” we will sign with the Minister of Health an executive order to suspend flights to the UK, “he wrote Luigi Di Maio, Minister of Foreign Affairs, on his Facebook account.

The United Kingdom has sounded the alarm on a new form of Covid which is said to be the result of a mutation of …

Posted by Luigi Di Maio on Sunday, December 20, 2020

“I have signed a new ordinance which blocks flights from the UK and bans entry into Italy for people who have been there in the last 14 days,” the Minister for Health said, Roberto Speranza, that’s a statement. “Anyone who is in Italy from this territory must undergo an antigen or molecular test,” added the statement, which called for “the greatest possible caution”.

The very brief text of the decree specifies that the decision takes effect this Sunday, but without indicating the time, and that it will be valid until January 6. The decision came the day after the British Prime Minister, Boris Johnson, will announce the back to quarantine from London and parts of south-east England until December 30.

The British president has linked the rebound in covid-19 infections in those regions with the new strain of coronavirus discovered there, which he says could be up to 70% more contagious. For this reason, the World Health Organization (WHO) on Sunday asked its European members to “tighten their controls”.

Boris Johnson in the announcement of the return to strict quarantine.  Photo: AFP.
Boris Johnson in the announcement of the return to strict quarantine. Photo: AFP.

Countries that have blocked UK flights

Besides Italy, several European countries have decided to cancel flights to British airports due to the appearance of a new strain of the coronavirus. Netherlands, Belgium, Austria, Ireland, Austria, Germany, France and Bulgaria have previously announced the suspension of flights from the UK due to this new strain, and it is reported that Spain is considering similar measures.

Meanwhile, the WHO has reported that it is in “close contact” with British authorities following the detection of the new strain of coronavirus. The new variant appears to be spreading faster than the original version, although experts consider for the moment his mortality has not increased.

As reported by the website of BBCThe Dutch authorities have announced that they will work with other member countries of the European Union to “explore the possibilities of further limiting the risk of the new strain of virus from the United Kingdom”. In addition, Spain called for a “coordinated response,” which is expected to be finalized on Monday.



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