Coronavirus: Evo Morales received a medical discharge | AND…


Former President Evo Morales was released this Sunday in Bolivia after spending several days hospitalized for coronavirus. Before leaving the clinic he said he was feeling “very well”, that he had only “restlessness and cough” and confirmed that he would continue to rest at his home in Cochabamba. . Morales described the virus as “cleansed” and felt it was important to follow medical indications to beat the disease. Although experts have yet to submit him for follow-up assessments to confirm his recovery, the former president said “If doctors allow it,” he would be ready to become a blood plasma donor for the cure of future infected.

During a press conference with the doctors of the Los Olivos clinic, Former president called on Bolivians to “be careful” to “beat the virus”. “I didn’t feel any symptoms but when they did the test it was confirmed. I didn’t feel anything, only restlessness and coughing. I didn’t lose my smell or taste at all, but my head and throat hurt. cough, ”he says.

Shortly after, he added from his Twitter account: “I am very grateful to the medical board, staff and employees of the Los Olivos clinic for the care they provided me and which made my discharge possible. . My respect and admiration for them and them for their dedication and effort “. Too thanked “from the bottom of my heart for the prayers of the different churches, the rituals of the amautas, the appeals and the messages from Bolivia and abroad giving me the strength to conquer the virus which unfortunately affects so many families around the world. “

After experiencing the disease firsthand, Morales said he learned that more needs to be done to take care of himself and prevent contagion. “You have to take care of yourself, prevent. It is not a regional problem but a global problem and the most important is prevention. Concentrate on defeating the virus “he said before leaving the clinic. The ex-president recommended that the people take care of themselves to prevent infections and sickness, “comply with all medical prescriptions” and have “positive thoughts” on healing because “the psychological is important”.

Morals, What currently chairs the Movement for Socialism (MAS), has been characterized since his arrival in Bolivia on November 9 for having maintained an intense activity that included trips, press conferences and massive conventions of his party in different regions of the Altiplano.

A second wave of the pandemic has hit Bolivia since the end of December, with dramatic scenes of saturated hospitals and desperate demands on social networks to find places in intensive care or in medicine, a scenario that has not been seen since July and August of last year. With some eleven and a half million inhabitants, the country is close to 10,000 deaths and 200,000 accumulated infections since March 2020, when the first cases were detected.


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