Coronavirus: for fear of being infected, they died from eucalyptus vapors | the Chronicle


Married couple found dead after taking eucalyptus bath. Apparently, the couple drowned in the steam that was emitting leaves of eucalyptus. plant they used with the intention of not contracting Covid-19, even if there is no scientific evidence to show such a result. The event took place in Cayaltì, in northern Peru.

A 70-year-old man and his 63-year-old wife were found dead by a relative last Friday evening. The couple were in the bathroom of their house.

When police arrived at the scene, alerted to the death of the two, they found the two people sitting on a wooden bench. Their bodies were covered with a towel, according to local media.

For the researchers, they had installed a large container with charcoal in the bathroom to burn eucalyptus with the intention that the released vapor will be absorbed.

According to the testimony of neighbors, this method is performed by people who fear catching coronavirus. Apparently, they believe that absorbing the eucalyptus vapor frees them from possible contagion and cleanses their lungs. But this method is not tested against the virus.

On Saturday afternoon, the prosecutor in charge of the case, who works in the district of Cayaltí, handed over the bodies to their relatives so that they could proceed with their burial.


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