Coronavirus: he took his 100-year-old mother to be vaccinated on a wheelbarrow the chronicle


70-year-old man from Chuhuahua state, Mexico, he took his 100-year-old mother on a wheelbarrow to get the coronavirus vaccine, after carrying her for several kilometers from her village to the vaccination center.

The image went viral, after user Marcelino Gómez Brenes shared the video on @Gomez_Brenes, and surpassed 40,000 reproductions and 1,700 retweets. Thus, the sequence traveled around the world, to show the boundless love of a son with his mother.

Doña Bartola at the time of vaccination by medical personnel.

It is Bartola, which was carried by his 70-year-old son in a wheelbarrow, as the woman cannot walk long distances, and that is why the man decided, without hesitation, to load his mother onto the transport tools .

“We could write a book about what the Servants of the Nation saw with their own eyes as they did their work on vaccination days. They have witnessed the most inconceivable and incredible stories of our country. How are you” the user wrote under the posted video.

By the time Bartola was vaccinated, many nurses and doctors were dedicated to recording and taking pictures of the woman, as well as asking her questions about her life story.

Among the comments of other tweeters, there are those who they praised the man for his huge act of kindness and gratitude to his mother, and others who severely criticized the Mexican municipality of Batopilas, for not having foreseen this type of situation and for not having reached the home of elderly people with low mobility.

In this sense, the Mexican authorities saw the video and decided to give Bartola a wheelchair., in an act of humanity, so that it can be moved more comfortably and easily.

The incredible and exciting story ended with a happy ending: Bartola, 100, and her 70-year-old son were given the coronavirus dose and had no type of side effects.


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