Coronavirus in Argentina: 242 deaths and 7,671 new infections reported


On the 349th day since the arrival of the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic in Argentina, authorities have reported 7,671 new infections and the cumulative increase to 2,046,795. Of this total, 1,849,451 people have already defeated the SARS-CoV-2 virus and only 146,487 inhabitants pass through the disease.

According to data collected over the last 24 hours in health centers across the country and entered into the National Health Surveillance System (SNVS) 242 deaths were added to reach 50,857 deaths from the pandemic. These data put Argentina in the 13th ranks among the nations with the most deaths from the virus.

Provinces that have reported infections in the last 24 hours in SNVS they are:

Among the deaths reported in SNVS, dPersons residing in the province of Buenos Aires and one in the city of Buenos Aires were entered into the system without data on gender. Of the others, 136 were men who lived in:

The 103 women lived in:

It was also reported that yesterday 54,375 tests were processed and since the start of the epidemic, 7,002,049 diagnostic tests for this disease have been carried out.

On the other hand, there were 3,595 people with the disease in intensive care units (ICU). The occupancy of ICU beds, beyond the illness that explains the patient’s hospitalization, at the national level is on average 54.1%, while it reaches 59.2% in the AMBA, which represents a slight decrease.

The distribution of the 580 thousand doses of the Covishield vaccine, prepared in India and developed by Oxford and AstraZeneca, started today and will arrive tomorrow and the day after in all provinces, informed Carla Vizzotti, Secretary of Access to Health of the Nation, presenting this morning the report on Argentina’s situation against the coronavirus pandemic.

Yesterday, 580 thousand doses of the Oxford vaccine produced in India (Covisheld) arrived and distribution begins today so that they arrive between tomorrow (Friday) and Saturday to all jurisdictions of the country about 530 thousand doses, ”said Vizzotti.

In addition, he added that “350,000 doses of the first component of Sputnik V were distributed during this long weekend“.

The official recalled that Argentina is going through the seventh week of the coronavirus vaccination campaign and to date thecam distributed 1,173,115 doses and 391,975 of the first component and 241,662 were reported as applied of the second vaccine developed by the Gamaleya Research Center of Russia.

With reference to the surveillance of vaccine safety, as of February 11, 19,014 events presumed to be temporarily linked to vaccination had been reported, of which 97% were actually linked and of these 99.4% were mild or moderate (myalgia, pain head or pain on injection).

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