Coronavirus in Argentina | Government plans to apply Russian vaccine against COVID-19 first


The first coronavirus vaccine to be applied in Argentina is said to be the Russian vaccine (Photo: Reuters - Tatyana Makeyeva)

The first coronavirus vaccine to be applied in Argentina is said to be the Russian vaccine (Photo: Reuters – Tatyana Makeyeva)

After announcing that vaccination against coronavirus will begin in the first half of January, the government announced that, according to the forecasts they are using, the Russian antidote Sputnik V will be the one who launches the candidacy campaign.

Defense Minister Agustin Rossi, who will be in charge of logistics, explained that the Russian vaccine should arrive in Argentina between January and February 2021. Then, between late February and early March, the one that is developing Pfizer and after that of AstraZeneca, which is made in Argentina.

The official explained that the first doses will be applied to a “Priority group” people including the population at risk, aged over 60 years. In addition to health professionals, members of the armed forces and security. Rossi said the president Alberto Fernandez requested that this group understand the teachers.

Defense will be responsible for the logistics of transporting the doses, and the minister explained that it would use air force planes and army trucks to transport them. He also said that they will provide doctors and nurses from the military forces to collaborate on the vaccination operation, in which they will work in conjunction with the ministries of health, security and the interior.

In dialogue with the radio The Web He specified that “100% of vaccines against the coronavirus will be purchased by the State” and that their application will be “free for all Argentines”. He said they would distribute the doses “based on their arrival in the country.” He argued that between January and February, the Sputnik V, between late February and early March that of Pfizer and then that of AstraZeneca.

He explained that vaccines should be stored at low temperatures while specifying that this “It won’t be something problematic, with the levels of technology ‘that exist in the country. He noted that the AstraZeneca It is the one that requires “less logistical demand” because of the temperature it requires, followed by the Russian one who must move in an environment between 2 and 8 degrees and finally that of Pfizer, you must be at 70 degrees below zero.

They claim that Sputnik V is up to 95% effective

Russian vaccine Sputnik V efficiency up to 95% 42 days after the first dose, the Gamaleya Center and the Russian Direct Investment Fund (FIDR) reported in a statement. According to preliminary data from the second analysis, the efficacy after 28 days was 91.4%.

They further reported that so far there had been no “unexpected adverse events during the trials”. FIDR pointed out that the price, less than ten dollars for a dose, is two times lower than the vaccines they use. mRMA, that is to say the Americans Modern Yes Pfizer.


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