Coronavirus in Argentina | Meeting at the Ministry of Health to assess more restrictions


This afternoon, the authorities of Ministry of Health They met with a group of experts to discuss possible new restrictions on entry into the country. The meeting took place after the government this Sunday decided to close the borders with the United Kingdom due to a more contagious mutation of the coronavirus which has been detected in this country. Argentina has thus joined several countries in Europe and North America which have taken the same decision.

“From an epidemiological point of view, cases are stagnating except in some districts where there is a slight increase,” said infectious disease specialist Eduardo López who attended the meeting. “The decision to close the borders is political. In this sense, experts can say that we believe that the fence with England. From a health point of view, I would not close with neighboring countries yet, but it is very dynamic ”, the expert raised.

In the evening, a meeting will take place between the Minister of Health, Ginés González García, from the Interior Office, Eduardo De Pedro and President Alberto Fernández. There, it will be determined whether further border closures are necessary.

The last flight

In the morning of Monday, the last british flight Who was allowed in before the border closed. This was BA245 from British Airways, which arrived at the international airport at 9:10 am London.

A special operation was ordered in the terminal to ensure the isolation of passengers, who had to wait to disembark until the migration hall was empty. A few minutes earlier, other passengers had arrived from Paris and Madrid.

In addition to the temperature check performed automatically by thermal cameras located in an area of ​​the migration entrance hall, passengers were subjected to a PCR test that detects the new strain of COVID-19. Those who tested negative in Britain were not subjected to this test. Everyone will have to quarantine themselves for seven days.


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