Coronavirus in Argentina: restrictions and fear of reflection in Brazil, Chile and Uruguay | the Chronicle


While La Casa Rosada announced a series of restrictions to control the growth of Covid-19 in the country – where this Wednesday registered 22,039 new cases and 199 deaths-, the arrival of the formidable second wave, obliged to put a particular magnifying glass on the situations which were replicated in the neighboring countries: Brazil, Uruguay and ChileThey are analyzed on the decisions adopted by their leaders. Argentina try to anticipate the results of the three.

While that day the Brazilian president, Jair Bolsonaro, ruled out the possibility of implementing a national population containment to reduce the number of infections and after recording a daily death toll from the coronavirus, with 4,200 deaths and nearly 87,000 infections. “There will be no national lockdown”he said at an event in the town of Chapecó, in the southern state of Santa Catarina.

The country bordering Argentina to the north accumulates more than 13.1 million cases and 337,000 deaths because of illness. This accelerated increase in infections and deaths, added to a report released by the University of Washington’s Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, which predicted between 507,000 and 595,000 deaths in Bolsonarist territory by the end of June, increased the global alarm.

Unlike other heads of state, the president’s policy in the face of the pandemic has been marked by “denial and neglect”Amnesty International denounced this week.

In response, the Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz) -the main Brazilian research institute-, warned on Wednesday that the coronavirus “remains in intense circulation throughout the country, confinements are an essential recipe”.

Chile, another record in the region

Chile is at the limit of bed occupancy in emergency units.

Another of the countries that have become a danger zone is Chile, where this afternoon the health ministry reported that there were around 3,026 people admitted to intensive care units (ICUs) nationwide, the highest figure in the entire pandemic, which coincides with the rebound of the second wave of coronavirus in the country ruled by Sebastián Piñera.

With that, Chile reached 1,043,022 confirmed infections and 23,796 deaths total due to the coronavirus, becoming the sixth country in Latin America with the most confirmed cases of coronavirus, according to data from the World Health Organization.

Uruguay, the 360 ​​degree change

Uruguay has been in the lead since Sunday among the most infected countries per capita.

It’s not the best time for the ruling country Luis Lacalle Pou, because since Sunday it is the one that exposes the most new cases of coronavirus in the world per million inhabitants. Uruguay came out on top of those with the worst situation on March 26, while until March 31 it was in the top five and finally, since the weekend, leads the podium with 836.94 new cases per day on average, while in everyone there are only eight countries that exceed 600 cases.

This Wednesday, we knew that Uruguay recorded 217 deaths due to covid-19 on the first six days of April, a figure higher than that of the first nine months of the pandemic in the South American country in 2020. Something that does not escape the eyes of the government, for the decision-making announced this after -midday Alberto Fernandez.


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