Coronavirus in Argentina: the country is already 10th in number of deaths and has overtaken Brazil in deaths per million


The Ministry of Health reported 262 deaths and 8,468 new coronavirus infections on Saturday. With the data updated by the health portfolio, Argentina has accumulated 35,307 deaths from the pandemic and 1,304,846 confirmed positive cases.

These figures have pushed Argentina to tenth place among the countries with the most deaths from the coronavirus according to the Worldometer website. This list is led by the United States with 251,215 deaths, followed by Brazil (165,658) and India (129,674). Besides Brazil, the only Latin American country that was above Argentina in total death toll is Mexico, with 97,624 people. Peru has been displaced by Argentina and has 35,177 dead to date.

Over the past two weeks, Argentina has climbed positions in another negative ranking: the one that analyzes deaths per million inhabitants. After beating the United Kingdom, the United States, Bolivia and Chile, he also passed Brazil this Saturday and finished in sixth place. Statistics show that in Argentina there are 779 deaths per million inhabitants, while Brazil which has 777 deaths per million.

In the past 24 hours, the deaths of 145 men and 117 women have been reported. Among the districts which accumulated the most deaths, the province of Buenos Aires had 177; Cordoba, 19 years old; City of Buenos Aires, 14 and Santa Fe, 12.

In terms of cases, the total is 1,304,846, including 1,119,366 cured patients and 150,173 confirmed active cases.

The distribution by province in terms of the number of new confirmed and cumulative infections is led by the province of Buenos Aires, with 2,300 and 587,808 respectively.

It is followed by the city of Buenos Aires with 506 cases in the last 24 hours and 153,488 cumulative; Santa Fe, with 1,339 and 127,448, and Córdoba, 1,139 (101,630).

Further back, Tucumán, with 426 new cases and 59,629 cumulative; Mendoza 294 (52,993); Río Negro 217 (28,312) and Neuquén 181 (26,674).

The list is complete: Catamarca 34 (1421); Chaco 215 (16,188); Chubut 275 (19,032); Corrientes 144 (3,623); Entre Ríos 306 (19,866); Formosa 1 (168); Jujuy 22 (18,147); La Pampa 95 (4,643); La Rioja 80 (8,156); Missions 4 (372); Jump 59 (20125); San Juan 88 (4,420); Saint-Louis 199 (11194); Santa Cruz 160 (12,469); Santiago del Estero 264 (12,868); and Tierra del Fuego 120 (14 172).

In addition, it was reported that in the last 24 hours, 25,314 tests have been performed and that since the start of the epidemic, 3,434,801 diagnostic tests for this disease have been performed, which is equivalent to 75,695 samples per million inhabitants.

With regard to the follow-up of inmates and beds in the intensive care unit (ICU), they confirmed that there were 4,346 adults hospitalized for Covid-19, with a total occupancy percentage of 58.1% nationwide and 59.7% in the Buenos Aires Metropolitan Region (AMBA).



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