Coronavirus in Brazil: the dreaded warning from the g …


Brazil’s health crisis continues to worsen. This Thursday, during a press conference, the governor of Minas Gerais, Romeu ZemaHe said the state only has sedatives for “an extra day or two.” The risk, therefore, is that patients wake up from induced coma due to lack of painkillers.

“Today, the situation is critical. Tomorrow we might have some nasty news, in case the offer is not standardized, ”warned the governor. As in most countries, hospitals in Belo Horizonte They are in a very critical situation due to the increase in hospitalizations for coronavirus.

The governor indicated that thn cities where the vaccination campaign is faster will receive more doses and recommended not to keep stock but rather vaccines because “they must go into the arms of the people and not stay in the refrigerators”. Finally, Zema asked the mayors not to interrupt the vaccination processes of priority groups: “We know the professionals are exhausted, but this process continues, even on weekends. “, he pointed out.

During the press conference it was also confirmed the results of the last 24 hours in Minas Gerais: 492. With that figure, the state recorded the mark of 1,000 deaths from Covid-19 in just two days.

This announcement is made on the same day as Brazil recorded 4,249 new deaths associated with coronavirus and has accumulated 345,025 deaths since the start of the pandemic.


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