Coronavirus in Brazil: there have been more than 100,000 contagions …


Jair Bolsonaro’s administration continues to add negative records. This Thursday, the number of daily infected crossed the 100,000 case mark and increased the total of positives – since the start of the pandemic – to more than twelve million people.

According to the bulletin of the Ministry of Health, the country has recorded 100,158 cases and 2,777 deaths from covid-19 in a single day, which confirms the worsening of a health crisis which already leaves a total of 303,462 deaths in 13 months.

In just four days, Brazil has passed several tragic marks: on Tuesday it crossed the threshold of 3,000 daily deaths, on Wednesday it exceeded 300,000 cumulative deaths and this Thursday it recorded the highest number of daily infections since the start of the pandemic.

The strong resumption of cases, which specialists attribute to the non-compliance by the population with isolation measures and the emergence of a more infectious variant, has led hospitals to collapse in part of the country, where drugs for intubation of critically ill patients, such as as well as oxygen.

Especially Brazil’s coronavirus death toll could reach 400,000 in two months or even sooner. This has been warned by health officials, who have stressed that this progression could decrease if the government of President Jair Bolsonaro changes its attitude by refusing to impose a national quarantine.

Night burials

The increase in the number of deaths from covid-19, meanwhile, has increased pressure on the funeral system, mainly in the city of Sao Paulo, the most populous in the country with more than 12 million inhabitants. In this sense, the Sao Paulo mayor’s office has authorized nightly burials in cemeteries in the capital of São Paulo since Thursday, which have counted 143 deaths from covid-19 in the past 24 hours. Added to this figure are deaths from other causes and diseases.

Interment hours have been extended until late at night in at least four cemeteries in the capital of São Paulo, including Vila Formosa, the largest in Latin America, where light towers have been installed to facilitate the work. officials.

In addition to the closure of all non-essential activities, already in force, local authorities have decreed a 10-day leave from this Friday in order to restrict the movement of people and contain the advance of a virus that remains uncontrollable.

A similar measure was also adopted by the mayor’s office in Rio de Janeiro, whose beaches and non-essential services will be closed to avoid crowds.


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