Coronavirus in Chile: One and a half year old baby has died | the Chronicle


A minor of a year and a half of the municipality of Vilcún and that she was diagnosed with Covid-19, died in the afternoon of this Monday in the Hernán Henríquez Aravena Hospital in Temuco, Chile.

This has been confirmed Alex Olivares, Head of health for the region of Araucanía . “The minor was diagnosed with epilepsy under treatment, which, together with other pathologies associated with underlying illnesses, made her condition quite complex.“he explained.

And I add: “He suffered from respiratory symptoms a week ago, associated with the fact that in his family group there were also adults with respiratory symptoms who coronavirus“.

In this direction, Olivares indicated that they were awaiting a report from the Pediatric Department of Regional hospital in order to provide more general information.

According to official data, the pandemic has already claimed the lives of 26 thousand Chileans. Just over half of the fatal cases have occurred in the capital, Santiago.


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