Coronavirus: in Europe, closures are coming back and blocking …


Several countries in Europe have started to take emergency measures in the face of the increase in coronavirus cases. Spain requires a negative test to enter the country to anyone who comes from France. As published today in the Official Journal of the State (BOE), passengers from French soil by land must present a test with a negative result, carried out within 72 hours of their arrival in Spain.

The ordinance adds to a previous one which establishes that French citizens traveling by air or sea must present a negative test, so that now all travelers in the risk zone of France, entering wherever they enter, are required to present a negative PCR.

The risk areas are all those in France classified by the European Center for Disease Prevention and Control with a risk level of dark red, red, orange or gray. As indicated in the BOE, road transport professionals are excluded in the exercise of their professional activity, cross-border workers and residents of border areas, within a radius of 30 kilometers around their place of residence. The ordinance will come into force on Monday and will last until the government of Pedro Sánchez declares the end of the health crisis.

For its part, Czech Republic extended until April 11 the state of emergency during a vote in the Chamber of Deputies. With the enlargement comes a series of additional powers for the Czech government which will improve its willingness to implement measures to prevent the spread of the disease. The current state of emergency expired on Sunday.

Meanwhile, members of the lower house have called for the return to classrooms of kindergarten and elementary school children by April 12, a week after the Easter break. The Czech Republic has recorded 1.5 million cases and 25,600 deaths since the start of the pandemic, although the contagion curve has shown a downward trend in recent days.

In Poland Meanwhile, authorities have imposed new restrictions since Saturday after detecting more than 30,000 infections a day. Hairdressers, beauty institutes, children’s schools and hardware stores will have to close their doors and join schools, museums and shopping centers, which have been closed for a week.

In addition, the number of visitors to the churches is limited, while the kindergartens will only be open for children of health personnel, the army and the police, and the sports facilities will only be available for children. professional athletes.

The government reported 31,757 new infections and 448 deaths on the last day, slightly lower than the 35,145 on Friday or 34,143 on Thursday, although they remain on alert. In total, Poland has accumulated 2,221,725 ​​confirmed cases and 51,753 deaths since the start of the pandemic.


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