Coronavirus in India: New Delhi and Mumbai begin …


New Delhi and Bombay, in India, started from Monday to lift the restrictions imposed from mid-April, when the second wave of coronavirus hit the country. The authorities made this decision after verifying decrease in infections: this Monday 100,000 daily cases were reported in India, while over several days in May peaks of 400,000 were reached.

In New Delhi, the government authorized the alternative opening of markets and shopping malls on Monday. In the case of independent businesses, they can operate every day, with a time restriction between 10 a.m. and 8 p.m. for those who sell non-essential goods or services.

The metro, meanwhile, has resumed its services with a capacity of 50% of seats.. Private offices, as well as e-commerce activities, will also be able to resume their presence between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. with 50% of the workforce.

“We must continue to protect ourselves from infections and to revive the economy.”Delhi Regional Prime Minister Arvind Kejriwal posted on his Twitter account on Monday.

At Bombay, the capital of the state of Maharashtra and the economic heart of India, the shopping centers have also reopened, but with limitations, while in the rest of the cities of the same state, restrictions have not been decreed for the reopening, despite the fact that the number of cases there is lower than that of the capital.

In Maharashtra, according to estimates by the West Indian Restaurant and Hotel Association, more than two million jobs have been lost during the lockdown. That’s why, said Rajendra Kalkar of Phoenix Mills, manager of three malls in the wealthiest region, This new phase of reopening represents “a step in the right direction”.

According to country experts, although the crisis is easing in the northern and western states (Delhi, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat and Maharashtra), the disease continues to spread in rural areas and some states. from South.

Coronavirus in India

In recent days, India has recorded a decline in coronavirus cases. On Monday, the country reported 100,000 infections per day, against 400,000 recorded for several days in May. The death toll has also fallen, with nearly 2,500 in the past 24 hours.

The health ministry estimates the total number of deaths since the start of the pandemic is just under 347,000, although experts consider it to be underestimated.

Meanwhile, heThe vaccination campaign is moving slowly: Currently, only about 180 million people, or 14% of the population, have received one dose and 45 million, 3.4%, have received two doses.


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