Coronavirus in Mexico: 1,701 deaths added in one day


In the past 24 hours, there have been 1,701 deaths (Photo: EFE / Luis Torres)
In the past 24 hours, there have been 1,701 deaths (Photo: EFE / Luis Torres)

José Luis Alomía Zegarra, director general of epidemiology of the Ministry of Health, reported that this February 9, the day already added 168,432 deaths confirmed in Mexico due to the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). In other words, In the past 24 hours, there have been 1,701 deaths.

From the National Palace, he pointed out that Mexico City and the State of Mexico are the entities with the greatest number of active cases Estimates (with start date of the last 14 days by the positivity index, by entity and epidemiological week). On a national level 66,037 infections of this type are calculated.

In addition, there are more than 2000 suspicious deaths this could add up to the total in the next few hours. They also counted the patients 1,511,199 recovered. On the other hand, they are recorded 84,218 people with a complete immunization schedule (application of two doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech antigen).

Balance at national level (Photo: SSA)
Balance at national level (Photo: SSA)

According to the information provided by the official, the distribution by sex in confirmed cases shows a predominance among men (50.1%). The overall median age is 43 years.

According to the baseline in the statewide rollup, the top 10 entities that accumulate the greatest number of cases These are: Mexico City, State of Mexico, Guanajuato, Nuevo León, Jalisco, Sonora, Puebla, Coahuila, Tabasco and San Luis Potosí, which together account for about two-thirds (67%) of all cumulative cases recorded in the country. Mexico has the most of cases accumulated in the country and represents alone 26% of all recorded cases.

The sex distribution of confirmed deaths shows a prevalence of 63% in men. The median age of death is 64. Mexico alone accounts for 18.5% of all deaths nationwide.

COVID-19 vaccines applied today (Photo: SSA)
COVID-19 vaccines applied today (Photo: SSA)

Hospital profession

According to the manager, until Tuesday there is a 48% occupancy of beds nationwide (both general care and ventilator).

Regarding the beds of general hospitalization, He detailed that there are 49% of occupied spaces in the country. The three states with more than 70% occupancy are:

– Mexico City (79%)

– Morelos (78%)

– State of Mexico (74%)

Likewise, there are seven states with between 69% and 50% occupancy and 22 with less than 50% occupancy. In other words, of the 34,954 beds in total, 17,927 are available and 17,027 are inhabited.

Hospital beds (Photo: SSA)
Hospital beds (Photo: SSA)

In the case of beds with ventilation equipmentHe pointed out that only Mexico City has an occupation greater than 70 percent.

Likewise, there are 28 entities with less than 50% occupancy and three register between 69% and 50% of inhabited beds with ventilators, and they have a decreasing trend, they are:

– Nuevo Leon (64%)

– State of Mexico (63%)

– Aguascalientes (57%)

Vaccination schedule (Photo: SSA)
Vaccination schedule (Photo: SSA)

Vaccine advance

Authorities said 3,890 doses had been applied on February 9. In sum, 724,347 vaccines have been injected to dateOf these, 622,672 were first doses for health workers and 84,218 seconds.

They indicate that 29 states have completed the application of the 100% dose, that is, there was an overall progress of 94% during this first stage.

On the other hand, 766,350 doses of Pfizer-BioNTech were received, of which 999 (0.13%) were lost and there are 6,940 reserve doses at the Inca. However, 100% of the first five shipments of the antigen have been applied and as of the last arrival on January 19, 78% were occupied.


Pfizer has confirmed that next week it will resume vaccine shipments to Mexico with a batch of 491,400 doses

COVID-19 vaccine in Mexico: uncertainty in Conago for the second dose and for the number that will arrive in the coming days

COVID-19 in Mexico: this is the new schedule to receive vaccines

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