Coronavirus in Mexico as of April 19: 127 deaths have been recorded in the last 24 hours


After 11 consecutive weeks of abandonment, Dr José Luis Alomía Zegarra explained that the country had an increase in the number of positive cases (Photo: EFE / Luis Torres)
After 11 consecutive weeks of abandonment, Dr José Luis Alomía Zegarra explained that the country had an increase in the number of positive cases (Photo: EFE / Luis Torres)

For this Monday April 19 212,466 deaths caused by coronavirus disease have been recorded in Mexico. This means that in the last 24 hours they have been added 127 new deaths national statistics. The the estimated active cases are 25 201 (1%) and recorded recovery cases are 1,833,132.

After 11 consecutive weeks of rest, the doctor José Luis Alomía Zegarra detailed that the country has an increase in positive cases, this because between weeks 13 and 14 there was an increase of 4% the number of SARS-CoV-2 infections.

The estimated active cases are 25,201 (1%) and the recorded cases with recovery total 1,833,132 (Photo: SSA)
The estimated active cases are 25,201 (1%) and the recorded cases with recovery total 1,833,132 (Photo: SSA)

Some states across the country have shown signs of increasing registration of confirmed COVID-19 cases, Therefore, the authorities of the Ministry of Health clarified in this information and requested that the said report be taken seriously.

Epidemiologist Alomía explained that these tiny increases in numbers are the result of mobilizations of holidaymakers during the Easter holiday period. The conditions which presented variations of infections are: Baja California Sur, Chihuahua, Mexico, Colima, Durango, State of Mexico, Morelos, Nayarit Quintana Roo and Tlaxcala.

Despite the fact that this is a minimal increase and does not represent a risk like in previous months, the official stressed that the population continues with hygiene protection measures, such as the use of face masks, hand washing and a healthy distance.

On Tuesday, April 20, the next round of vaccination will begin, which includes a nationwide campaign to vaccinate teachers in Mexico (Photo: Ssa)
On Tuesday, April 20, the next round of vaccination will begin, which includes a nationwide campaign to vaccinate teachers in Mexico (Photo: Ssa)

The researcher spoke about the number of hospitalizations in the country, currently there is a 16 percent national occupancy. On the availability of general beds only 15% are in use; Out of 30,752 COVID-19 hospital beds, 26,233 beds are available, only 4,519 are occupied.

“We’re opening this week with one of the lowest overall bed occupancy percentages we’ve had until the time of the outbreak in Mexico,” Alomía said.

On the other hand, no federal entity has a higher percentage of hospitalized cases, the 32 states of the Republic are in a percentage less than 30% of hospital use for patients with COVID-19.

A total of 3,927,307 people were counted with the full vaccination program (Photo: EFE / Sáshenka Gutiérrez)
A total of 3,927,307 people were counted with the full vaccination program (Photo: EFE / Sáshenka Gutiérrez)

Regarding the daily progress of the vaccination campaign, the Under-Secretary for Prevention and Health Promotion, Hugo lopez-gatell, said that so far there is a total of 127,244 doses applied to court for the national report.

For the 9:00 p.m. deadline on April 18, a total of 3,927,307 people with him full diet vaccination. The advance of the cumulative dose is 14,368,074 applied drugs.

Dr López-Gatell pointed out that 939,960 people in the health sector they already have some antigen; 150,002 have half diets while 789.958 already have the complete diagram. the educational staff vaccinated is 22 934 of which 5,307 have half of the drug supply and 17 627 they already have the complete diagram.

“We’re opening this week with one of the lowest percentages of overall bed occupancy we’ve had until the time of the outbreak in Mexico,” Alomía said (Photo: SSA)

He pointed out that for him Tuesday April 20, the next vaccination phase will begin who is considering a national campaign to immunize teachers in Mexico.

About the group adult adults, 10,290,867 have already been vaccinated; 7 171 145 they have the first dose Yes 3,119,722 have both doses.

Finally López-Gatell pointed out that of the week April 19 to 25 of the current month, you have scheduled shipments with doses vaccine: for On Wednesday April 21, doses of Pfizer (487,500), AztraZeneca (1,075,200) and Spuntnik V (200,000) will arrive.


Map of coronavirus in Mexico April 19: Chihuahua exceeds 1,000 active cases and is the only state with more than 30% of hospital occupancy
COVID-19 vaccination in Mexico: everything you need to know about the Chinese vaccine Cansino
On Tuesday, April 20, the COVID-19 vaccination of educational staff in public and private schools begins

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