Coronavirus in Mexico as of July 18: In the last 24 hours, there have been 4,438 infections and 91 deaths


CDMX continues to concentrate the majority of infections and deaths from COVID-19 (Photo: REUTERS / Luis Cortes)
CDMX continues to concentrate the majority of infections and deaths from COVID-19 (Photo: REUTERS / Luis Cortes)

The Ministry of Health reported that July 18 add already 236,331 deaths confirmed in Mexico by the new coronavirus (COVID-19) as good as 2,659,137 accumulated cases. In other words, in the last 24 hours there has been 91 deceased Yes 4,438 new infections.

The agency also pointed out that Mexico City and the State of Mexico are the entities with the highest number of active cases Estimates (with the start date of the last 14 days by the positivity index, by entity and epidemiological week). On a national level 88,094 infections of this type are calculated.

In addition, there are over thousands of suspicious deaths this could add up to the total in the next few hours. They also counted the patients 2,086,657 recovered. Thus, the cumulative case incidence rate of 2,061.8 per 100,000 inhabitants.

People walk through the streets of the historic center, despite the epidemiological yellow light in Mexico City (Photo: EFE / Mario Guzmán / Archive)
People walk through the streets of the historic center, despite the epidemiological yellow light in Mexico City (Photo: EFE / Mario Guzmán / Archive)

The distribution by sex in the deaths confirmed shows a 62% predominantly male. The median age of death is 64.

Mexico City, the State of Mexico, Jalisco, Puebla, Guanajuato, Veracruz, Nuevo León, Baja California, Chihuahua and Sonora are ranked among the 10 entities that recorded the highest number of deaths and which together account for more than half (64 , 7%) of all in the country.

CDMX is the entity with the most infections reported each day (Photo: REUTERS / Luis Cortes)
CDMX is the entity with the most infections reported each day (Photo: REUTERS / Luis Cortes)

Progress in the vaccination process

With a cut-off on Friday July 16, the Under-Secretary for Health Promotion, Hugo lopez gatetell, reported that there is 37 million 759 thousand 104 people vaccinated in the country. So far, there are 21 million 525 thousand 199 citizens with a full regime, which is equivalent to 57 percent; While 16 million 233,000,905 people have been vaccinated with a single dose, which is equivalent to 43 percent.

He also reported the application of 561 thousand 983 doses throughout the Mexican territory on Friday 16, with which added 53 million 915 thousand 023 doses since the day of vaccination launched by the Ministry of Health (SSa).

The state agency also indicated that missed 59,529 (0.2%) doses who arrived in Mexico. These losses are also taken into account by the vaccination schedule, because before the pandemic this phenomenon was recorded due to complications related to their transfer.

There are 37 million 759 104 people immunized in the country (Photo: REUTERS / Edgard Garrido)
There are 37 million 759 104 people immunized in the country (Photo: REUTERS / Edgard Garrido)

On the website, people over the age of 18 can register to complete the vaccination process. The authorities’ goal is for the entire adult population to be vaccinated next October with at least one dose and end the year with vaccinated adults.

In recent days, the occupancy rate of hospitals has increased by a percentage point, there was a 27-28% increase in general beds and 21-22% in intensive care beds. However, according to Health Secretary, the reduction in the occupancy rate is 78% compared to the peak reached in January of this year.

According to the latest reports, Mexico received 59 million 387 thousand 335 doses of vaccines packaged by Pfizer-BioNTech, AstraZeneca, Sinovac, Gamaleya National Research Center for Epidemiology and Microbiology, CanSino Biologics and Johnson & Johnson.

Bars in the country's capital, in the final months of the pandemic, displayed their full capacity (Photo: Cuartoscuro)
Bars in the country’s capital, in the final months of the pandemic, have displayed their full capacity (Photo: Cuartoscuro)

Citizens have four ways to stay informed on vaccination and any other subject related to COVID-19, are:

– The site:

– Al email: [email protected]

– At number: 55-3684-0370

– With virtual messaging assistants

Authorities continue to urge citizens to wear face masks (even in outdoor spaces), wash their hands at all times, use antibacterial gel and keep a healthy distance, whether they are already vaccinated or the color of the traffic light in which their entity is located. .


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