Coronavirus in Mexico on February 16: 1,329 deaths have been recorded in the last 24 hours


Older adults are trained to receive a COVID-19 vaccine in the city of Milpa Alta, Mexico City, (Photo: Edgard Garrido / Reuters)
Older adults are being trained to receive a COVID-19 vaccine in the city of Milpa Alta, Mexico City, (Photo: Edgard Garrido / Reuters)

This Tuesday afternoon February 16, 2021, of the National Palace, the health authorities reported the existence of 1,329 new deaths from COVID-19 disease in the past 24 hours. With this a total 175,986 deaths from the start of the health emergency.

Also exists 1,563,992 people who have recovered and got medical discharge after studying the symptoms. In addition to 86,198 cases in which both men and women received the full immunization schedule against the SARS-CoV-2 virus in the country.

According to the data of the written technical report, in the last 24 hours, 8,683 new cases were registered, with which there is a total of 2,004,575 confirmed cases accumulated since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic.

National snapshot of active cases, estimates, deaths and people recovered from COVID-19 disease (Photo: SSA)
National snapshot of active cases, estimates, deaths and people recovered from COVID-19 disease (Photo: SSA)

In addition, the existence of 2,199,226 estimated cases. On another side, 55,901 people (3%) experienced symptoms in the past 14 daysTherefore, they are considered active cases and may contribute to the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus among the rest of the population.

Regarding hospital saturation, the doctor José Luis Alomía Zegarra, Director General of Epidemiology, reported that 38% of general beds nationwide are occupied and the number is three points below what was recorded yesterday. In this sense, 31,480 beds without respiratory assistance, 11,947 are in service and 19533 are available. In addition, none of the 32 states reported over 70 percent general bed occupancy.

As, five states reported occupancy between 50% and 69%, among which the Mexico, since today it has been integrated into this range with a total occupancy of 65%. While 27 states reported less than 50% occupancy. In this regard, the states of Hidalgo and Guanajuato have joined the group in the past 24 hours with 49% and 46% occupancy respectively.

Availability of general hospital beds (Photo: SSA)
Availability of general hospital beds (Photo: SSA)

On the other hand, in beds with ventilation support, that is, for the care of patients in intensive therapy, it has been announced that national occupancy is 41%, or 1 point above the statistics published yesterday. In fact, 11,439 fan beds in mexico, 4,673 they are busy and 6 766 available.

On top of that, for the second day in a row, no entity had an occupancy greater than 70%. On the other hand, four states reported occupancy ranging from 69 to 50 percent and 28 entities have less than 50% occupancy in beds equipped with a fan.

Regarding vaccination, the doctor Hugo López-Gatell Ramírez, Under Secretary for Prevention and Health Promotion, said Today, 101,598 doses have been placed across the country. It should be noted that in this phase of vaccination, members of the second priority group are also taken into account, i.e. adults over 60 years old.

Availability of beds with fan (Photo: SSA)
Availability of beds with fan (Photo: SSA)

This way of 24 December 2020, when the first dose of Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine has been applied, it is recorded a cumulative of 915,383 doses applied. In addition, since February 15, the injection of the one created by AstraZeneca and the University of Oxford has also started.

Nowadays, the campaign continued in 30 states of the Republic. In other words, they exist 657 vaccination points in 253 municipalities From all countries. States of Tamaulipas and Nuevo León were unable to start the campaign, because the weather conditions put the elderly at risk. Plus, exposing the vaccine to extreme temperatures can negate its effectiveness, López-Gatell explained.

Progress of the national immunization strategy (Photo: SSA)
Progress of the national immunization strategy (Photo: SSA)

About complete immunization schedules, only health workers were able to comply with the characteristic. Of the total number of people vaccinated, 14 percent already have both injections applied, unlike the 622,658 people missing to complete the vaccination.

Finally, two centenarians received the vaccine. This event took place in Veracruz and Coahuila, with patients aged 120 and 102 respectively.


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